sanchis olivares

Brick house . La Eliana

sanchis olivares . photos: © Álvaro Olivares

In a decades-old established garden city, on the suburbs of Valencia, an old tennis court became a plot on which we were asked to build. It offered us a flat terrain, with surrounding vegetation as a backdrop, a large tree and an old underground warehouse that became a swimming pool. Continue reading sanchis olivares


Sanchis Olivares

Civic Centre . Patraix

sanchis olivares

Despite the fact that it has been 150 years since the incorporation of Patraix into the City Council of Valencia, the sense of belonging and community characteristic of a small village have not disappeared from its streets, and it has become part of the character of new generations of neighbours and of the population that moved to the district with the urban expansion of Valencia in the second half of the last century. Continue reading Sanchis Olivares