Campo Baeza


Campo Baeza

Once again, a house that is not just another house.

Once again, we would like to make the most beautiful house in the world.

The land, in Torrelodones, is a privileged site in the foothills of the Sierra de Madrid. With powerful rocks that emerge giving the place a great strength that we would like to see reflected in our house. Continue reading Campo Baeza


Campo Baeza


Alberto Campo Baeza

This project involves the construction of buildings to complete the current French Lycée in Madrid, located in the Parque del Conde Orgaz.
We would like our new building to be a most beautiful educational construction. We know that adding new parts to existing buildings is not an easy task. But that is what we aim to do.
Our core idea is to establish a new order that doesn’t exist right now. With our new buildings we are trying to achieve a unified whole, and we believe that we have succeeded in this. Continue reading Campo Baeza


Campo Baeza . Gabrion

nuevo edificio para el museo del louvre . lievin

Campo Baeza . Gabrion . nuevo edificio para el Museo del Louvre . Lievin (1)

Alberto Campo Baeza . Raphael Gabrion

Richard Rogers y Alberto Campo Baeza con Raphael Gabrion, han ganado ex aequo el concurso público convocado en Francia para hacer el nuevo edificio para el Museo del Louvre en Lievin. El jurado primero seleccionó 5 entre los más de 200 arquitectos presentados. Luego eligió 2 proyectos de entre esos 5, el de Campo Baeza-Gabrion y el de Rogers-StirkHarbour + Partners. Y finalmente, tras premiar ex equo los dos proyectos, han tomado la decisión de construir el de Rogers. Continue reading Campo Baeza . Gabrion