Power Toilet Death Masks . 2024

+ Albarrán Bourdais

The exhibition presents new works from the series «Power Toilet Death Masks», a set of molds for toilets and other sanitary equipment, made from objects found in the restroom of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The objects are presented as death masks, referring to a likeness of a person made after their death. Continue reading SUPERFLEX


Yeh-Yeh-Yeh Architects

RIVERSIDE Remodeling . Fullerton

Yeh-Yeh-Yeh Architects . photos: © Brandon Shigeta

Nestled in the suburban of Fullerton in Orange County, California, the Riverside residential property stands as a testament to a timeless mid-century ranch-style home. This house, dating back to its original 1955 construction, preserves the lifestyle and design ethos of that era. While we deeply appreciate the vintage charm of its original layout, our mission is to breathe new life into it for a contemporary owner. The house, initially built as a model home, showcases its distinctive low, close-to-the-ground profile and a compartmentalized kitchen layout. It has features like varying roof lines, cathedral ceilings, sunken living rooms, and open landscaped front grounds. Our objective is to seamlessly blend the old and new, creating a modern ranch-style house. To achieve this, we introduced a concrete deck on the front facade, providing both a resting area and anchoring the house visually to its surroundings. Between the horizontal linear eave and the concrete deck, we implemented a distinctive window configuration, inspired by the original window placements, which has now become a central focal point in the facade’s overall aesthetics. Continue reading Yeh-Yeh-Yeh Architects



ArchiTech Office Tours | BIG HQ

ArchiTech Network

In our milestone 10th episode we return to where it all started (BIG) and tour Bjarke Ingels Group’s new headquarters in Copenhagen. We join Jens Kaarsholm for one of the first public tours of the office and walk up all 6 floors of the new headquarters as well as talk about Design Technology, BIM, AI and game engines. Continue reading BIG



Every Heaven . 2024


On his debut album, “Every Heaven,” Loren establishes himself as a talented songwriter and master of melody across 10 tracks brimming with jangly guitars and lovelorn vocals—all punctuated by the pulse of a driving beat. A deeper listen reveals a juxtaposition between the album’s carefree melodies, and its sobering truths about the life, loss, and the questions of being a queer 30-something artist. With “Every Heaven” Humdrum has presented 10 songs that speak to life’s dynamic moments. And they can’t wait for you to hear them. Continue reading Humdrum