Power Toilet Death Masks . 2024

+ Albarrán Bourdais

The exhibition presents new works from the series «Power Toilet Death Masks», a set of molds for toilets and other sanitary equipment, made from objects found in the restroom of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The objects are presented as death masks, referring to a likeness of a person made after their death. Continue reading SUPERFLEX



Free Soll Lewitt . 2010

Superflex . Free Soll Lewitt . 2010

+ Superflex . vanabbemuseum

In the FREE SOL LEWITT workshop a couple of workmen work daily on reproducing LeWitt’s Untitled (Wall Structure). LeWitt commissioned a company to produce the work in 1972. Now in 2010, LeWitt’s work is being reproduced in a museum room, where four tables have been set-up. Here, workmen cut the aluminium, weld it into a lattice structure, sand this form and then paint it white. The copies lie stacked in a corner awaiting their new destinations. They will then be distributed free-of-charge to the public through a random system which visitors to the museum can sign-up for. See the images of visitors whose forms were randomly selected and who picked up their copy. Continue reading Superflex