zanderroth architekten

Christburger residential buildings . Berlin

zanderroth architekten . Christburger residential buildings . Berlin

zanderroth architekten . photos: © Simon Menges . + baunetz

The residential buildings in Christburger Strasse are striking through the flexible portioning possibilities of their floor plans. By using wide-span ceilings, it was possible to do without any definition of the floor space. There are no load-bearing walls or supports, allowing free floor plan distribution for the apartments, which have direct access to an elevator. Due to fire protection regulations for the emergency exits, a special accessing system was developed using continuous balconies on the rear sides of the building to turn the stairs into the emergency stairs. The front sides of the building present the showcase view, with enormous, elegant window glazing. Continue reading zanderroth architekten


zanderroth architekten

New development of a residential estate Zelterstrasse 5 . Berlin

© Simon Menges

zanderroth architekten . photos: © Simon Menges

The building in Zelterstrasse consists of 23 townhouses, which are aligned to create a homogenous volume with 10 summerhouses behind it and 12 penthouses above it. In between, there is a large unplotted garden courtyard with a garage beneath it. The advantages of one’s “own home” while retaining the density of a residential estate add significance to the aspect of community. In addition to the garden, there is a rooftop terrace, a summer kitchen, a sauna and four visitors’ apartments, all of which additionally highlight communal characteristics. The separated, yet overlapping access to the building gives the project an additional village character in terms of its use. Continue reading zanderroth architekten