re:architekti . baukuh . YellowOffice

nový hlavák central station transformation . prague

re:architekti . baukuh . YellowOffice

The current Main Station is detached from the surrounding town. The New Terminal hall is invisible, the historic Art Nouveau building is inaccessible, Vrchlického sady park is a mere torso of past plans and some parts of it are completely devastated. Continue reading re:architekti . baukuh . YellowOffice


Kuehn Malvezzi . Yellow . BAUKUH

Central Mosque . Prishtina

Kuehn Malvezzi . Yellow Office . BAUKUH

The new Central Mosque of Prishtina is made of a series of architectural pieces combined in a tower-like structure. The prayer hall is a large hexagonal space crowned by a cylindrical dome. The prayer hall floats over an ample panoramic hayat resting on top of the parking and commercial facilities. The hayat is defined by six cylindrical towers that contain the elevators and the stairs connecting the holy space(s) with the mundane ones. Continue reading Kuehn Malvezzi . Yellow . BAUKUH


saas . YellowOffice


saas sàrl . YellowOffice

At the bottom of the Rhone Valley, along the railroad tracks, stand buildings whose scale contrasts with the surrounding urban fabric. Taking advantage of the large plots of land abandoned by industry – or simply of the railway glacis – housing towers, schools, public infrastructures and new neighborhoods are developing. This cordon dialogues with the exceptional historical structures built on the mounds and topography drawn by the passage of the glacier: castles, watchtowers and hospitals. The Usego hall and its silo are part of this logic. The project chooses to consolidate this reading and to make the Usego site an institution with a marked profile. Facing the city center, ten minutes from the train station, the new school is bold. Continue reading saas . YellowOffice


Onsitestudio . baukuh . YellowOffice

new European Library of Information and Culture (BEIC) . MILAN

Onsitestudio . baukuh . YellowOffice . renders: © ONIRISM STUDIO

The new European Library of Information and Culture (BEIC) is not a traditional library, where the treasures of a culture can be stored and made accessible for the future, but a laboratory, where to develop the tools necessary to produce contemporary culture.
The new library exposes its productive atmosphere already in its physical conformation. The new building consists of two naves with a trapezoidal cross-section, extensively glazed, forming an explicitly industrial figure, part greenhouse, part station, part factory. The building appears as a large laboratory, sober, busy, open, ambitious, a Officina Milanese (Milanese workshop) entirely at the service of a multiple but concrete cultural life, where learning processes are always also an opportunity to construct objects, to invent devices, to make things. Continue reading Onsitestudio . baukuh . YellowOffice