CCU . Limache


UMWELT + PRODUCTORA + LANDMRX are one of the finalists of the adaptive re-use of a former brewery in Limache, Chile (3rd prize). The proposal understands the landscape and the site itself as part of the museum experience and adds a machine-like structure to the back of the existing building plus a series of re-purposed machines to unlock the full potential of the historic brewery. Continue reading UMWELT . PRODUCTORA . LANDMRX



Integra Building . Osorno

UMWELT . Integra Building . Osorno (1)

UMWELT . photos: © Felipe Fontecilla . + archdaily

Four storey office building in the city of Osorno in the south of Chile. The building is located in a city of 145,000 inhabitants with low density and a shortage of offices, a few blocks away from the historic center in a possible new development area. The site conditions, regulatory and climatic, coupled with the structural system define the main project constrictions. Continue reading UMWELT



Ambient 30 60 . Santiago

Imágenes retiradas a petición del fotógrafo.

Images removed as requested by the photographer.

UMWELT . photos: © Cristobal Palma / Estudio Palma . + Plataforma Arquitectura

Propuesta ganadora del YAP CONSTRUCTO 2013, “Ambient 30_60” propone un ambiente traslucido y definido a partir de 30 distintos marcos espaciales que contendrán de manera progresiva eventos y obras de arte a través de un proceso curatorial, al mismo tiempo de manipular la sensación térmica gracias a técnicas agrícolas usando sombras, agua y humedad. Continue reading UMWELT