El proyecto para una escuela dirigida al grupo de poblaciones en torno a Lošbates, en la República Checa, se sitúa al sur de un bosque de coníferas de gran densidad y al norte de la carretera que une las poblaciones de la zona con Praga. Continue reading UBICUO STUDIO
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Soria . Martínez . Soria
‘The urban pattern’
Not long ago, the death of industry was proclaimed. Considered as a polluting and noisy activity it moved away from urban areas. However, today many companies are relocating their activity.
Our project suggests the inclusion of a renovated industry in the centre of Torrelavega. This new industry changes the traditional relation with the city and the citizens.
The project proposes an urban renovation creating a diverse and balanced environment, where productive spaces are meant to coexist with housing, public equipment and green areas. It is also considered a project of social renewal that wants to put in relation the enterprises that already work in the area with entrepreneurs, young professionals, neighbours, local culture and ideas that will launch the economy of Torrelavega. Continue reading Soria . Martínez . Soria