Rojo Fernandez Shaw

Runnymede College Campus . Alcobendas

Rojo Fernandez Shaw . photos: © Luis Asín

Julia Powell Sports Hall is a multi-purpose sports hall that is part of the new Runnymede College campus, a British education college in Madrid. As a result of an architecture competition, since 2017 we have worked on the construction of the complex as research on the academic space and the configuration of a collective space. Continue reading Rojo Fernandez Shaw



Aulario B Founder’s Hall | Runnymede College Campus . Alcobendas

ROJO  FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW . Aulario B Founder's Hall. Runnymede College Campus . Alcobendas afasia (1)

ROJO / FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW, arquitectos. photos: © Luis Asín

In November 2016, Runnymede College – a British school located in Madrid, Spain – called for an architecture competition to configure its premises, of 6.760 sq. mt. property including new and existing buildings, the common spaces and the sport grounds, according to an Anglo Saxon academic and environmental model. A pragmatic approach to knowledge, interdisciplinary programs, the charismatic figure of the tutor and an emphasis on collaborative work shape the character of the spatial organization, its atmosphere and the system of visual and physical relationships.
Rojo/Fernández-Shaw won the competition with the catchword “UNCAMPUS” (one campus). Continue reading ROJO / FERNÁNDEZ-SHAW



La etérea Kazuyo Sejima

LUIS ROJO DE CASTRO . La etérea Kazuyo Sejima

imagen: Costhanzo . artículo completo en el país

La efectividad de SANAA en la ligereza material y la transparencia visual es fruto del control, de la búsqueda consciente del efecto y la variabilidad temporal que impulsa su arquitectura hacia lo contemporáneo. Pero emplean mecanismos barrocos como la teatralidad de una sala de espejos o del trompe l’oeil, reconocibles en los reflejos de los vidrios y las chapas pulidas, o en la superposición de transparencias duplicadas o triplicadas que se tornan opacas.