Vassallo . Guan

Kleines Zimmer, Grosses Fenster / Small Room, Big Window . Europan 14 . München/Taufkirchen

Vassallo . Guan . Small Room, Big Window . Europan 14 . MünchenTaufkirchen (1)

Langarita-Navarro | deAbajoGarcia . Lazcano . Campo



The construction system is based on a three-dimensional prefabricated module made of Cross Laminated Timber panels. These modules are completely finished and outfitted with all utilities in the factory in order to guarantee the maximum building quality and standard of living for the minimum cost. The module has a constant dimension of 3.6 x 5.4 meters, and is subdivided in two spaces of constant proportion, with a larger space accommodating the main rooms and a smaller space that absorbs circulation, storage, bathrooms, and recessed balconies. In its repetition of a constant dimension, the module lends the project a serial character reminiscent of the housing projects of the Wilhelmine Era. In its specific size, the module is designed to work in conjunction with the housing key: as more modules are added, bigger units can be created to satisfy the need for a diversity of occupants while remaining within the surface limits for subsidized rental housing. The dimensions of the rooms and openings are carefully studied to produce generous and dignified spaces for life. Continue reading Vassallo . Guan


Langarita-Navarro . del Val

Altafonte . Madrid

Langarita-Navarro . del Val . Altafonte . Madrid (1)

Langarita-Navarro Arquitectos . Estudio Gonzalo del Val . fotos: © Luis Díaz Díaz

Este proyecto responde a las necesidades de crecimiento y representatividad de una de las distribuidoras de música más importantes a nivel nacional. El volumen de trabajo y la entrada de la compañía en el mercado americano implicaban un aumento de la plantilla, tanto trabajadores y colaboradores como de directores de departamentos, en su actual espacio de trabajo compartido con otras empresas. Continue reading Langarita-Navarro . del Val


langarita-navarro arquitectos

Sunflower House . Port de la Selva

langarita-navarro arquitectos . photos: © luis díaz díaz

Moving their home to the outer limits of a small town in the province of Zaragoza is the wish of a newly married couple about to retire. Embodied in their decision lies the conviction that it is possible to both undergo a radical change and still enjoy the comforts of their previous life. To explore this dual situation a project has been designed which attempts to evade its usual position as a solution at the end of a process and to take positions as starting point or state previous to the development. Continue reading langarita-navarro arquitectos