Almazán . KUS

Art Garden . Ota

Jorge Almazán Architects . Keio University Studiolab . photos: © Montse Zamorano

For years, a group of old wooden houses and warehouses, formerly used to sell and store rice, remained abandoned in the industrial city of Ota, Gunma Prefecture. Like most vacant and derelict sites in provincial Japan, the most probable fate for these buildings was demolition followed by the construction of the generic prefabricated houses that have homogenized Japan’s regional landscape. The owner, a designer and advertising art director, wanted to give new life to the compound and contacted us to conceive a different future in which art and creativity would play a central role. We transformed the existing structures—two houses and three warehouses—into spaces to accommodate both exhibition and production of artwork. The project creates a new focus of activity in the neighborhood and demonstrates an alternative approach to urbanism. Continue reading Almazán . KUS


Jorge Almazán

House in Saitama . Honjo

Jorge Almazán Architects . photos: © Montse Zamorano

A fashion critic from Tokyo moved to the countryside of a neighboring prefecture to take a managerial job. Instead of building a new house, she preferred to renovate an existing one conveniently close to her new company’s buildings. Her home had to be spacious and filled with natural light as well as a place where she could hold family and friends gatherings. Continue reading Jorge Almazán


Jorge Almazán Caballero

Parque Habitado . Europan 10 . Elda

origen: gracias a Jorge Almazán Caballero

El emplazamiento está compuesto por tres zonas bien diferenciadas, con características morfológicas y topográficas diferentes. Al Sur, el barrio consolidado de Numancia, que culmina con el Alto de San Miguel, donde la convocatoria pide directrices de intervención para la mejora del barrio y prohíbe las demoliciones. Al norte, el Alto de Tafalera, un hito topográfico que ha de ser recuperado con operaciones de paisajismo y medioambientales. Y entre los dos altos, una vaguada actualmente ocupada por el barrio de Tafalera, un asentamiento marginal que el ayuntamiento tiene decidido demoler. Continue reading Jorge Almazán Caballero