Jaime Prous . Pineda Monedero


Jaime Prous Architects . Pineda Monedero . photos: © José Hevia

The setting in which these semi-detached houses are located is that of an anonymous neighbourhood on the outskirts of a town near Girona. The finished streets await the arrival of the future houses that will form an eclectic landscape of different materials and volumes. Continue reading Jaime Prous . Pineda Monedero


Jaime Prous

L’ALZINA . Caldes de Malavella

Jaime Prous Architects . fotos: © Alejo Bagué

Sobre un pinar tupido que cae suavemente a un paisaje de prados y lagos, se plantea este conjunto de veintitrés viviendas. El fin es esconderse bajo la sombra espesa de los pinos y pasar desapercibido mediante una arquitectura pausada, autóctona y a la vez sorprendente. Continue reading Jaime Prous


Jaime Prous

VILLA SESOM . Caldes de Malavella

Jaime Prous . VILLA SESOM  . Caldes de Malavella afasia Adrià Goula (1)

Jaime Prous Architects . photos: © Adrià Goula

The pronounced difference of levels and the topographic integration are the starting points of the house, embedded into the terrain; the concrete roof is the only facade to the street. To access the house, it is necessary to get into the ground: the retaining walls merge with the color of the clay and penetrate the interior. Above the inhabitants, the slab, weightless and supported by the delicate glass envelope, levitates. Ahead, a kaleidoscope of reflections where the green of the landscape can be seen. Continue reading Jaime Prous