Ateliers O-S Architectes

Culturel Center : Multimedia Library + Music and Dance Conservatoire . St Germain-Les-Arpajon

© Vincent Baur

Ateliers O-S Architectes . photos: © Vincente Ferrane . + baunetz

The new Cultural Center of Saint-Germain-lès-Arpajon settles into a long and narrow site, looking at the green valley of the Orge river, and dominated by the Parc of Chanteloup. These two landscapes are linked by a gradient slope whose dip allow to see the valley from the high point of the site. Continue reading Ateliers O-S Architectes


Ateliers O-S architectes

Highschool extension . Coulommiers

Ateliers O-S architectes . photos: © Vincent Baur

The restructuration operation of the school, one of the largest in the Region Ile-de-France, is scheduled in several phases of interventions in an occupied site.
A comprehensive renovation of the obsolete heating system and a replacement of woodwork is implemented. A new maneuver track for heavy weight driving training, a new car park, an extension workshops and classrooms are also created. Continue reading Ateliers O-S architectes


Ateliers O-S architectes

gymnase ZAC Bords de Seine . Asnières-sur-Seine

Ateliers O-S architectes . photos: © Cecile Septet

The site is characterized by three special features that led our intentions:
– Its dimension: a narrow piece of land, 30m width and 250m long, along a railway embankment
– Its orientation: the site opens to the south on the river La Seine
– A breach generated by the western entrance of the new district under the embankment Continue reading Ateliers O-S architectes