Educational Theater of the Arts . Panguipulli

Tomás Villalón . Nicolás Norero . Leonardo Quinteros . photos: © Pablo Casals Aguirre
This theater in Panguipulli, a small rural municipality in southern Chile, in the region of Los Ríos, rises on the shore of the glacial lake it takes its name from, On a concrete plinth containing dressing rooms and services, the volume is actually two boxes, one inside the other. The outer one – translucent and woven with wood – accomodates the public spaces along the building’s perimeter, such as the foyer, the café, and a hall for exhibitions. The blind inner box, seating an audience of 250, is designed as a flexible space for instruction in different arts (music, painting, dance, literature, and more), as well as for the holding of performances for the general public. It is acoustically and thermally insulated, and would be completely opaque but for a single window taking up its entire width, facing the lake. Continue reading Villalón . Norero . Quinteros