Label architecture

Koekoek . Brussels

Label architecture . Koekoek . Brussels afasia (1)

Label architecture . photos: © stijn bollaert

With its peculiar constellation of balconies, rear windows and tiny courtyards, the location of this small building in Koekelberg is as Bruxellois as it gets. Demanding an extension, the vertical addition of two extra storeys almost doubles the surface of the original building, bringing it up to just 70 square metres. In attempt to coop with the tiny footprint – only 16 m² – the introduction of a spiral staircase transforms every floor into a room, or every room into a floor.

It obviates the need for any doors, and creates a vertical enfilade starting with the bathroom on level -1 and leading all the way up to the mezzanine at level 4. The demolition of a small volume on the ground floor creates an interstitial space, providing a place to smoke a cigarette or leave your bike, while granting the kitchen with a double orientation.