Andrea Adami . Marta Foglia . Martina Avanzi . + ArkxSite
Design proposal for the Site Chapel in Pessegueiro Island competition, organized by ArkxSite.
Natural landscape. Urbanized landscape. Natural landscape representing the openness of the world. Urbanized landscape as an effort to enclose this world into the smaller parts that help us to identify ourselves with our surroundings, with its scale. It is the power of nature that constantly astonishes us. The power, which has always attracted our attention. Horizontal world that seems to be endless to man. The world, he wants to conquer.
The Pessegueiro Island as a point where a vast coastal landscape meets with a distinct footprint of human effort to conquer the surrounding world. A place, which uncovers historical traces and the context. A place that remains isolated to the human.
It is the knowledge of the historical context that help us to understand ourselves and find our inner peace. The knowledge that predetermines our way through the life. The path through the open world. A narrative line – TIMELINE – that chronologically reveals historical traces and connects the open world.
It is the curiosity that takes our steps forward. It is an experience that tells us the direction. It is a human motion that shapes the space around us. With the motion, new images and sceneries of the outside world can appear in the field. New perspectives of the landscape. New views. Only the motion allows the transition from the open natural world to the closed world. To the world created by man. To the vertical chapel, the
intimate interior where we feel safe. A space undisturbed by the outside, noisy world. Where we can deeply open our souls. And look inside them.