Manuel Herz Architects

Jewish Community Center . Mainz

source: Manuel Herz Architects . photos: Iwan Baan . more: archdaily

Few Jewish communities used to surpass the one of Mainz in importance and tradition. During the Middle Ages being the major center of religious teaching, this importance can be traced back to a series of influential Rabbis, especially Gershom ben Judah (960 to 1040) whose teachings and legal decisions had impact on Judaism at large. His wisdom was deemed to be so large that he was given the name ‘Light of Diaspora’. The new Jewish Community Center of Mainz attempts to draw out this tradition. Continue reading Manuel Herz Architects

OMA . KILO architectures

The National Museum of Archeology and Earth Sciences (MNAST) . Rabat

source: OMA . KILO

The National Museum of Archeology and Earth Sciences (MNAST) is located on one of Rabat’s highest points: the gardens of the Lyautey Residence, which used to house Morocco’s French administrator. The MNAST will act as a catalyst for Rabat’s development, its innovative architecture reinforcing its urban and cultural attraction. Continue reading OMA . KILO architectures

Bach arquitectes

Edificio de viviendas . Casp 74 . Barcelona

origen: gracias a Bach arquitectes . fotos: José Hevia

Proyectar un edificio de viviendas en pleno Ensanche de Barcelona 150 años después de la aplicación del Plan Cerdá  obliga a hacer una reflexión sobre cómo concebirlo y a la vez, sobre cómo deben ser las fachadas de un edificio que se adapte a las necesidades del siglo XXI y así mismo dialogue y respete tantos años de historia. Continue reading Bach arquitectes