Office Winhov

Pillows Grand Boutique Hotel Maurits at the Park . Amsterdam

Office Winhov

As part of the city’s extending and transforming of Oosterpark, the former university dissection laboratory was given a new purpose as a 5-star hotel that’s also welcoming for locals. The overall complexity of this project – combining adaptive re-use, a new wing extension, and strength- ening the relationship with the surrounding park – is a reflection of Office Winhov’s overall approach and ambitions. It was about bringing
the old and new together with a balanced new program, a careful integra- tion of the extension, and refined use of materials. The result is a design transformation that respects the building’s pre-existing strengths while introducing harmonious new elements. Continue reading Office Winhov


Office Winhov

City Hall . Leiden

Office Winhov

Leiden’s City Hall has been renovated and made more sustainable. Adapted to the new working methods of local government, the City Hall offers the municipality an appropriately rich and welcoming stage that again reflects the original allure of this monument – one with roots going back to the 14th Century. Continue reading Office Winhov


Haratori . Winhov

BUCHERER Flagship Store / Watch and Jewellery Shop . Zurich

Haratori . Winhov . BUCHERER Flagship Store  Watch and Jewellery Shop . Zurich afasia (1)

Office Haratori . Office Winhov . photos: © Georg Aerni

The Bucherer store is among one of the “Individuals” on the eastern-side of Bahnhofstrasse. Its peculiarity in bright natural stone is important continuation to the character of the area. Securing the existing – a conversion – raises the question of permanence and generally about timelessness, innovation and perfection – core principles of Bucherer. We carry the marble into the future, as well as the flat relief of the façade, the volume, the supporting structure and its order – a flagship store designed for Bahnhofstrasse. Continue reading Haratori . Winhov