RCR . aldayjover . West 8

linear Park La Sagrera . Barcelona

RCR arquitectes . aldayjover arquitectos . West 8

A new green Diagonal axis is extended into the core of Barcelona thanks to the burial of the existing railways. This new public space is a means to connect the sea, the city and its natural surroundings. The new La Sagrera linear park or Parc del Camí Comtal represents a new ‘Slow’ Barcelona that gives relief to the urban rush of the city of Cerdá. It greatly adds biodiversity as it introduces a new slow and easy green cross, facing the famous Diagonal avenue, paradigm of the urban life.
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WXY . West 8

Blue Dunes . Offshore New York and New Jersey

WXY . West 8

Storms of the future are likely to be more intense and frequent, and they certainly will be more costly. While we cannot predict when the next storm will come or what it will look like, we are learning about how oceans behave, in terms of their physical dynamics (currents and waves), the habitats they support, and the interrelationship between the dynamics, geomorphology and habitats. Continue reading WXY . West 8