Yamaji . Kamayachi

House in Ebisu . Tokyo

Yamaji . Kamayachi . House in Ebisu  . Tokyo  afasia (4)

Tetsuo Yamaji . Seiji Kamayachi Architects . photos: © Kenta Hasegawa . + domus

A house gives an opportunity for living.
This house has been created for a single man. He has working parents, who live in the Kanto region including Tokyo. He has kept a good family relationship with them, but it is getting more difficult to create family time because of their busy life. Therefore, this house is meant to be a gathering place for the three generations of the family including the client’s future children’s family. In terms of the functionality, it is more like a second house. So it was created regardless of the stereotypical house design. What the family really needed was the “opportunity” for living. Continue reading Yamaji . Kamayachi