saas . YellowOffice


saas sàrl . YellowOffice

At the bottom of the Rhone Valley, along the railroad tracks, stand buildings whose scale contrasts with the surrounding urban fabric. Taking advantage of the large plots of land abandoned by industry – or simply of the railway glacis – housing towers, schools, public infrastructures and new neighborhoods are developing. This cordon dialogues with the exceptional historical structures built on the mounds and topography drawn by the passage of the glacier: castles, watchtowers and hospitals. The Usego hall and its silo are part of this logic. The project chooses to consolidate this reading and to make the Usego site an institution with a marked profile. Facing the city center, ten minutes from the train station, the new school is bold. Continue reading saas . YellowOffice


saas . Gattigo

JNS . Geneva

saas sàrl . Cloé Gattigo . photos: © saas

South of Geneva city center, in an industrial zone, a former beer brewery is the witness of a paradigm shift. With the departure of the brewery, the robust structure has been divided into smaller lots. It is now hosting diverse programs, such as a bread maker, a construction firm, a movie company, a landscape architect, and others. It is the symptom of a changing city. The sign of a change in the perception and use of our built environment. Occupying one of those lots, JNS was made in auto-construction during a year. It is a reconversion of an industrial space into a living and working environment, questioning zoning, normative confort and daily use of architecture. Continue reading saas . Gattigo