Raphael Zuber

Apartment building . Domat/Ems

raphael zuber . apartment building . domatems (1)

Raphael Zuber . photos: © javier miguel verne . © Takaaki Murakami . + divisare

The building has five floors with one apartment on each of them. The main space is reached directly from the outside by an elevator and an external staircase, which gives every unit a private character. The balcony, its loadbearing structure and the different openings create the sensation of experiencing one corner of the building as its center – as the center of a seemingly infinite space. The horizontal window in the main space, being attached on the inside of the wall, gives to this wall the character of an outside facade, creating a close connection between inside and outside and private and public. The construction of the building is radically straightforward, using only common standard products. Continue reading Raphael Zuber


Raphael Zuber


photos: © 2016 Raphael Zuber

Invited to Biennale Architettura 2016 curated by Alejandro Aravena, Raphael Zuber shows 4 of his latest projects in Giardini. Each of these projects is represented by a rendered animation and an ideographic model. The animations are projected in format 6.5 x 2.8 m and give the sensation of experiencing architectonical space. The models, almost miniatures in size, are covered in gold leaf and are physical expressions of ideas.
Together, these two very different representations create a complex reality of a potentially built architecture.
A white element hanging from one of the walls balances the spatial composition. Continue reading Raphael Zuber