Pieter Vermeersch

Untitled . 2022


This is definitely what one experiences in front of the main work at ProjecteSD’s current exhibition: a large scale painting on canvas in seven parts, that can be described in a chromatic scale from dark to light between greyish, blueish or purple colours fading into yellow or whitish tones. Continue reading Pieter Vermeersch


Pieter Vermeersch

Untitled . 2017

Untitled . 2017

+ Galerie Greta Meert

Vermeersch’s color gradients are the result of a meticulous and almost mathematical process by which the artist becomes a kind of human printer – blending paint into a smooth and seamless surface he conceals any trace of the labor involved in the making of the painting. Behind their seemingly straightforward appearance, these paintings are the complex condensation of an ancient technique along with the painterly attempt to render the interpretation of a photographic source. Continue reading Pieter Vermeersch


Pieter Vermeersch . OFFICE

MANIERA 01 & 19

Entrada retirada a petición de los arquitectos.

Post removed as requested by the architects.

photos: © Jeroen Verrecht . + maniera

However, it is difficult to trace exactly the primary authorship of each of the objects, whether they were developed by the artist or the architects, and this is probably the most striking thing about this exhibition. Continue reading Pieter Vermeersch . OFFICE


Pieter Vermeersch

Untitled . 2017

Untitled . 2017

+ ProjecteSD

Color and light, time and space and the intersection of these intangible elements are the notions that have been explored by the Belgian artist since the very beginning of his career in the late nine-ties. An artistic research that continues, flowing and expanding with the experimentation on new materials. Continue reading Pieter Vermeersch


Pieter Vermeersch

Untitled . 2016

Pieter Vermeersch . Untitled . 2016 (1)

fotos: © Pieter Huybrechts . + Blueproject Foundation

En la instalación de la Blueproject Foundation, también encontramos esta problemática en los elementos arquitectónicos que el artista ha imaginado para crear y manipular la sala expositiva. “El espacio es despojado de su narración”, como dice el artista, es decir de su practicidad, funcionalidad o utilidad, para llegar a ese “grado cero” en el que la imagen y el espacio, en su desnudez más esencial, ponen al descubierto sus convenciones al tiempo que se erigen como iniciadores de cualquier relato potencial. Continue reading Pieter Vermeersch