Vázquez Consuegra . moramarco+ventrella

ex-Manifattura dei tabacchi . Bari

Vázquez Consuegra . moramarco+ventrella . ex-Manifattura dei tabacchi . Bari (1)

Vázquez Consuegra . moramarco+ventrella architetti . renders: © Filippo Bolognese

The idea of the project was developed from three starting points: the urban analysis of the Libertà district, the study of the Historic site and the program of the competition. Our proposal removed the accretions of the existing building; it focused on increasing  the legibility  of the various parts of the edifice and introducing the necessary elements for the new project. These premises, to us, suggested a light and uninvasive design for the new parts, using a contemporary language aimed at the connection between “old and new”. At the same time the interventions on the outside area of the building interest the adiacent urban area. They are finalised to emphasize their potential for use as public spaces: a kind of town inside another that changes by opening itself. We aimed for a two way relationship between the outside building spaces and the urban area both to reinforce existing connections regarding mobility and permeability and to increase the amount of external areas of the building used as neighbourhood services. Courtyards are not only spaces between buildings, but transform into entertainment areas, serving as enlargements of the internal uses. In summary the concept could be defined as an addition to the initial subtractions project with necessary operations for optimization and refurbishment. Continue reading Vázquez Consuegra . moramarco+ventrella