Dudler . Jaspers Eyers

Scheldehof . Antwerp

Max Dudler . Jaspers Eyers Architects . photos: © Stefan Josef Mueller

On the banks of the Scheldt River, west of Antwerp‘s historic old town, the new urban district Nieuw Zuid is taking shape. Commissioned by Triple Living, Max Dudler, in collaboration with partner firm Jaspers Eyers Architects, has completed the residential project “Scheldehof”. Continue reading Dudler . Jaspers Eyers


Dudler . Diserens Maurel


Max Dudler . Diserens Maurel Architectes . renders: © Onirism . + baunetz

The new reception building for the Natural History and Archaeology Museums not only includes a ticket sales area but also features a modular space for groups and openings, as well as an exhibition area that serves as the starting point for visitors to both museums. Continue reading Dudler . Diserens Maurel


Max Dudler


Max Dudler . photos: © Stefan Müller

Revitalisation of city centres in rural areas: the new city centre district by Max Dudler in Gallneukirchen
As a new urban centre, the “One” project aims to renew the appeal of the town centre of Gallneukirchen. The architectural design foresees new public spaces and a rejuvenation of the centre with a mix of commerce, gastronomy and living spaces. At the same time, the ensemble creates a bridge between the urban infrastructure and the landscape of the Mühviertel quarter. As a lively “town within a town” Max Dudler’s design, commissioned by Anton Riepl, runs counter to the tendencies of urban sprawl in rural areas, and thus aims to serve as a role model. Continue reading Max Dudler


Max Dudler

Messepavillon . Cologne

Max Dudler . photos: © Stefan Müller

Max Dudler’s new building – which takes the form of a delicate, luminous pavilion with a powerful presence, even from afar – sits on the Messebalkon (trade fair balcony) of MesseCity in Cologne. With its rational geometry and graceful construction, the Messepavillon/Trade Fair Pavilion (client: MesseCity Cologne Generalübernehmer (ECE I STRABAG)) gives rise to a transparent locale with high amenity value and views of Cologne Cathedral. Used for gastronomy, it serves as a central magnet and upbeat to the new quarter, situated between the ICE and S-Bahn station Köln Messe Deutz and the southern entrance to the Cologne Trade Fair Grounds. Continue reading Max Dudler


Max Dudler

Tegel Quartier (Northern Sector) . Berlin

Max Dudler . photos: © Stefan Müller

Inspired by legendary Berlin department store architecture, Max Dudler has redesigned the facades for the northern part of the Tegel Quartier. With two staggered tower superstructures and the motif of cas- cading facade pilasters, the architecture becomes a new focus of attraction for this revitalized pedestrian zone. The project, commissioned by HGHI Holding GmbH, is part of an undertaking that redefines Gorkis- trasse – set at the heart of Berlin’s Reinickendorf district – as an urban shopping street. The entire project will reach completion this year, including the southern part, also designed by Max Dudler. Circa two thirds of the new shops have already opened. The Rautenbach and Pechtold architecture offices have been com- missioned with the planning and execution of the interiors. Continue reading Max Dudler