Mary Duggan

The Garden Museum | A New Entrance to Lambeth Green . London

Mary Duggan . + AJ

The proposal for The Garden Museum is an aggregated form distributed around the periphery of St Mary’s Gardens. The interconnected building fragments, including volunteers room, breakout space, tool room and storage, in unison softly fortify the garden. Each fragment is altered in height, in frontage and detail to address its facing condition; internally, to embrace the garden and horticulture, and externally, to celebrate the city. Continue reading Mary Duggan


Mary Duggan

studio for a composer

Mary Duggan Architects . photos: © Nick Dearden – building narratives

The studio, completed in January 2021, is a new independent structure carefully positioned within the grounds of a small contemporary house on a backland site, resting in perpendicular orientation to the rear gardens of neighbouring Victorian terraces. It is reached by a narrow access laneway from the street.
As well as the music studio, the project consists of hard and soft landscaping, including a serpentine laneway leading to a newly planted garden. Continue reading Mary Duggan


Mary Duggan

Science Museum . London

Entrada retirada a petición de los arquitectos.

Post removed as requested by the architects.

Mary Duggan Architects

A new events space located on the fourth and fifth floors of the Science Museum, Exhibition Road, London. The project generates 1,100 sqm of space for exhibitions, ceremonies, conferencing and dining. Continue reading Mary Duggan