Lütjens Padmanabhan

Herdernstrasse . ZURICH

Lütjens Padmanabhan . photos: © Walter Mair

Set at the end of a uniform row of humble apartment buildings from the 1930’s the ten unit apartment building works as a sort of book-end to an incomplete urban block. Its setting is rather dramatic, as it demarcates the end of Zurich’s nineteenth century block structure giving way to the sprawl of the Limmat valley. Serious and lonely, it acknowledges the proximity of two heroic elements of the modern city, the soccer stadium and the slaughter house. Continue reading Lütjens Padmanabhan


Lütjens Padmanabhan

Waldmeisterweg . Zurich

Lütjens Padmanabhan . Waldmeisterweg . Zurich afasia (1)

Lütjens Padmanabhan Architekten . photos: © Hélène Binet

In this house, a twenty unit low rent apartment building set in the remains of a garden city, the shape of the building and its plan are strangely at odds with each other. The building’s polygonal shape consists of a series of planes that create a kind of demarcation line, enforcing and responding to different spatial qualities of the site. Its plan resembles a rectangular city map that has been cut out to fit into the shape of the building. It shows the impossibility of an organic relationship between façade and the texture of the interior spaces. Continue reading Lütjens Padmanabhan