Losada García

Peraleda House . Cáceres

Losada García . Peraleda House . Cáceres (1)Losada García . photos: Jaiver Lairado – Arte ON . + archdaily

Peraleda House is a comprehensive rebuild, keeping part of the original walls of the existing house and the yard, located in a small and historic town in Cáceres. The project aims to think about how to revive an existing house into a contemporary home in a classic urban area setting with restrictive rules. Continue reading Losada García


Losada García

Cultural Center La Gota – Tabacoo Museum . Navalmoral de la Mata

Losada García Arquitectos  . Cultual Center La Gota – Tabacoo Museum . Navalmoral de la Mata  (1)

Ramiro Losada Amor y Alberto García Jiménez . photos: © Miguel de Guzman/ imagensubliminal.com

Cultural Center La Gota is a hybrid building for exhibition spaces that aims to create a new focus of urban centrality in Navalmoral (Cáceres), showcasing the identity of the town. The etymology is rooted in an old building built in the same site, in the thirties, to solve the problems of child malnutrition through the “Drop of Milk”. Continue reading Losada García


Losada Garcia Architects

Meeting bar Plaza Castilla . Madrid

Losada Garcia Architects . photos: © Alfonso Herranz

After years living and working in our office, in the neighbourhood of Tetuán, Madrid, in the co-working space Studio Banana, we had the opportunity to work on a project in the area through a private client. We knew the neighbourhood perfectly: its character, the calm atmosphere, centrality, presence of art workshops, etc. Continue reading Losada Garcia Architects