John Pawson

Casa Walsh . Telluride

John Pawson . Casa Walsh . Telluride afasia (1)

John Pawson

John Pawson’s first constructed home in the United States in the historical district of Telluride, a simple stone base and timber upper capped by a gabled roof. Bedrooms (three in total) are spread across the ground floor with a main living area on the upper level. Continue reading John Pawson


John Pawson

St John-at Hackney church . London


John Pawson . photos: © GILBERT MCCARRAGHER . + AJ

The ambition for the refurbishment of this east London church was the creation of a ‘cathedral of creativity’, where architecture and people could come together in the richest ways possible, for a variety of purposes and activities, sacred and secular. Such creativity is stimulated and fostered both by the detail of a physical environment and by the character of its atmosphere. Continue reading John Pawson


John Pawson

Home Farm . Chastleton

John Pawson . Home Farm . Chastleton afasia (1)

John Pawson . + wallpaper

Over the course of more than thirty years, a body of work has accumulated based on the objective of making simple spaces, with just what is required and nothing more, where the eye feels as comfortable as the body. At the heart of everything has been the idea of refining by removing, meticulously paring away until what is left cannot be improved by further reduction: sensual space, where the primary experience is of the quality of light, materials and proportions.
During these three decades, every project has represented a manifesto of the thinking, but nowhere is this truer than at Home Farm in Oxfordshire, where architect and client are one.!–more–> Continue reading John Pawson