U67 . homu

Den Lille Prinsen . Europan 13 | Trondheim

U67 . homu . Den Lille Prinsen . Europan 13  Trondheim (1)

U67 . homu

There are places that are both points of departure and arrival, places made of streets without a name, places where you meet people you do not know nor where they come from, neither where they go. Places that help you to under- stand, to know and to use other places, as a stranger that tell you the story of her entire life, without asking yours. Places that want to help you to find your way, to orientate. Places that are made to allow someone to go somewhere, places that greet and surround you, places that go with you, as someone that comes to you saying its name and taking your hand, led you where you ask.
One of these place is named “The Little Prince”. Continue reading U67 . homu


homu . U67

Collaging continuity . Europan 13 . Graz

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homu . U67

The proposal Collaging Continuity conceives a sequence of believable urban experiences where the morphology of the built “holds” the void creating highly solid and integrated public spaces.
This approach will enchain a very wide range of activities and places in a narrative of richness that will maximise the interchanges, balancing between a community habitat and a space open to the city. Continue reading homu . U67



Meno di 31 . Bologna

homu . Meno di 31 . Bologna (1)


The project for a little private house in the garden of the eighteen century villa Belpoggio-Baciocchi, doesn’t explicitly states its program. The new building appears sculptural and however changeable. The east elevation is massive to not interfere with the daily uses of the villa and its monumental façade. The living spaces face the south-west, with large windows overlooking the woods and the hills. A new mineral landscape overlaps with the natural surroundings. The architecture “mocks” the hill with a tilted surface, repeatedly folded to define a continuous and surprisingly domestic space. The garden is a place of discovery as much as the 80sqm pavilion divided into a succession of forms and moments. Continue reading homu



400sqm library . Briosco


Capriano di Briosco is a small settlement of 2,500 inhabitants located 49km far from Milan. A new public library, in such a small context, should be able to stimulate a dialogue with the community, becoming a strong centrality, a space that people can enjoy. Continue reading homu



Museum of Ethnography . Budapest


The strong attribute of linearity of the given site as well as of the urban axis Dózsa György’s has been emphasized by the elusive façade of the new Museum of Ethnography. Continue reading Homu