Heide & von Beckerath

Spiegelfabrik Housing . Fürth

Heide & von Beckerath . photos: © Andrew Alberts . + baunetz

The site of a former mirror factory is located between Wilhelminian housing on Lange Straße in the south-west and Dr.-Mack-Straße in the north-east near the water meadows on the river Pregnitz at Fürth’s city park. It is accessible from both streets and runs transversely to a storey-high drop in the terrain. The old forge is the only remaining building on the site. The party wall of a neighbouring building forms the north-western boundary. A new development is anticipated along the south-eastern border. The after-use of the industrial site gives significant impetus to the urban neighbourhood’s transformation and the innovative form of housing lends it model character. The programme was developed in close consultation with the future residents and in a dialogue with the city of Fürth. The building joint venture’s aspiration for community-oriented living in diverse and generation-spanning co-housing led to a mix of cooperative and owner-occupied accommodation. A housing cooperative was specially set up in which the owners are sustaining members. Of the eight sponsored apartments, four are available for refugees and several of the cooperative’s apartments are rented by the Lebenshilfe Fürth e.V. charity. The PEN-Club offers another apartment to exiled writes. A neighbourhood centre sponsored by the city serves as a hub for neighbourhood issues and local initiatives within the building. Continue reading Heide & von Beckerath


ifau . Heide & von Beckerath

Residential and Studio Building at the Former Berlin Flower Market (IBeB) . Berlin

ifau . Heide & von Beckerath . Residential and Studio Building at IBeB . Berlin afasia (1)

ifau . Heide & von Beckerath . photos: © Andrew Alberts . + archdaily

The former central flower market is situated in the historic Südliche Friedrichstadt in Berlin’s Kreuzberg district. The actual market hall is used by the Academy of the Jewish Museum, which stands across the road. The surrounding areas are characterised by post-war housing and in particular buildings that were constructed for the 1984/87 International Building Exhibition, as well as by a variety of cultural facilities and creative enterprises. Several galleries, a higher education institution for design, changing exhibitions, temporary projects and public art collections stand alongside the publishing house Springer Verlag and the TAZ daily newspaper. Continue reading ifau . Heide & von Beckerath


Heide & Von Beckerath

Biobank . Berlin

Heide & Von Beckerath . Biobank . Berlin (1)

Heide & Von Beckerath . photos: © Andrew Alberts . + baunetz

The new research building for the Max Delbrück Centre is situated at the Campus Berlin-Buch. It accommodates an automated cold storage for biological samples, the associated technical facilities and administrative offices plus ancillary rooms. All of these functions are contained within a compact building volume. The development is aligned along a historic central axis in the former Berlin-Buch parish cemetery while spatially interpreting the layout and orientation of existing larger and smaller laboratory buildings. The location, configuration and accessibility of the new building allow for its expansion in two directions at a later stage. Continue reading Heide & Von Beckerath


ifau + Fezer . Heide & VON Beckerath

R50 – Cohousing . Berlin

ifau und Jesko Fezer + HEIDE & VON BECKERATH . photos: © Andrew Alberts

R50 – cohousing is a joint building venture project in Berlin-Kreuzberg. It was initiated by the architects during the course of a concept-based award procedure for building plots and implemented in close cooperation with the clients. The building proposal is founded on a clear urban design position, robust and precisely detailed architectural design, and both a collective and individual process of occupancy. Continue reading ifau + Fezer . Heide & VON Beckerath