Juan Socas

The floor is lava . Europan 14 . Amsterdam Sluisbuurt

Juan Socas . The floor is lava . Europan 14 . Amsterdam Sluisbuurt (2)

Rojas | Colonna . Zetti . Soupe


+ + EUROPAN 14

The Sluisbuurt’s district is an interface between two worlds: the urban and the rural one. Surrounded by water, it is the perfect place to integrate the potentials of both, and to create a harmony at very different scales: city scale, urban cluster scale, cell scale.
The project is an interface where the urban meets the rural world through productive and collective places, shops directly linking the consumers to the producer, spaces of exchange and mutual assistance. Together these spaces provide the indispensable fabric to support social bonds in the district.
Continue reading Juan Socas


Rojas . Llatas

adhocratics energies . Europan 13 . Nacka

Francisco Rojas . adhocratics energies . Europan 13 . Nacka

Francisco Rojas . Enrique Llatas . + europan

According to the given topic made a complex analysis of renewables adaptable energy that help us to satisficed our necessities , in accordance with the requirements of the competition and the municipality of nacka; we concluded to work out a new lifestyle control the functional units which bring together a multidisciplinary. It does not follow the line of the bureaucracy but rather manage adhocracy a new lifestyle that are temporary structures, reduce and simplify the process to adapting to each particular situation, in short words, it is mutual adaptation. This also form a part of the collaboration. Accordance to the topic and our proposal, we propose a form of organization where participants are invited to perform the activities they deem necessary to develop the project that brings. Maintaining a good phrase “If you think there is something to do, go and let’s do.” Continue reading Rojas . Llatas