fesselet krampulz

triangle des pervenches . Carouge

SW: Totale

fesselet krampulz architectes . photos: © Roland Halbe 2017

The architecture of a city is to great extend the architecture of its infrastructures. The infrastructures have to answer adequately to its populations’ needs and the needs of future generations. It is with that idea in mind that the project « Triangle des Pervenches » has been designed. The complexity of the project lies in the juxtaposition of the heterogeneous mix of 5 programs and their specific requirements of access, space and function:

lev 01 community archive
lev 01 rehearsal spaces for bands
lev 00 restaurant for the pupils of the nearby school lev 10 spaces for extra curricular activities
lev 20 rooms for community/local clubs and associations (fishermen’s club, stamp collectors, etc…) Continue reading fesselet krampulz