el fabricante de espheras . Aranea . Cel-Ras


el fabricante de espheras . Aranea . Cel-Ras . SYNAGOGUE SQUARE . Onda Milena Villalba afasia (7)

el fabricante de espheras . Grupo Aranea . Cel-Ras Arquitectura. photos: © Milena Villalba

The project is urban regeneration and heritage intervention, located in the Historical City Center of Onda, from de Islamic period (s.XI-sXII) declared as a Monument of Significant Cultural Interest with the Monument category in 1967. The square is a void in the medieval city, in a topographic area, close to the archaeological rests of Arabic medieval palaces and the Christian Church. Continue reading el fabricante de espheras . Aranea . Cel-Ras


El Fabricante de Espheras

Consolidation and Restoration of the Espioca Tower . Picassent

El Fabricante de Espheras . Consolidation and Restoration of the Espioca Tower . PICASSENT Milena Villalba  afasia (1)

El Fabricante de Espheras . photos: © Milena Villalba

The Tower-Castle of Espioca is an Asset of Cultural Interest with the category of monument since 1993. It is included in the General Inventory of Valencian Cultural Heritage as well as in the Inventory of Archaeological Sites of the Department of Culture of the Valencian Community.
The construction technique is closely linked to the to the very nature of it. The defensive structures from the Muslim period were characterised by the use of rammed-earth technique as the main one. The construction was carried out with both local materials and labour. It speaks to us of the economy of resources and sustainability as in the case of the Espioca Tower. Continue reading El Fabricante de Espheras