bothand . Klemmer

Tagesbetreuung Hebel. St.Gallen

bothand architecture . Studio David Klemmer

For this specific place in St. Gallen a four-story childcare center is proposed. While respecting the worth preserving tree population, the compact structure allows a gentle setting within the urban context. The positioning of the volume takes place in such a way that three independently developed outdoor areas are created. Continue reading bothand . Klemmer


BothAnd . Klemmer

Textile Museum . St. Gallen

BothAnd Architecture . Studio David Klemmer . renders: © Studio Diode

The new roof extension for the Textile Museum in St. Gallen functions as a single structural object generating space and infrastructure at the same time. Only touching load-bearing walls, a new ceiling for the existing top-floor museum spaces is created. Round cylinders pierce the added volume to provide structural stability, light, air and serve as cores for vertical circulation. Continue reading BothAnd . Klemmer