GT3 3 stacked houses. Madrid

BOJAUS . GT3 3 stacked houses. Madrid Montse Zamorano afasia (1)

BOJAUS Arquitectura . photos: © Montse Zamorano

Located in a suburban area of Madrid characterized by single-family houses, the 800 sq. m. plotand urban regulations allowed the construction of three semi-detached houses. Instead of this, a three-story building with one house per floor is proposed. Compared to the characteristicsemi-detached houses of the neighborhood, with small floor areas and organized in three and even four floors, thisbuilding alternatively proposes spacious houses organized on a single floor with large terraces,XL windows and a shared garden. Therefore circulation and server spaces are eliminated (stairs, corridors, distributors and foyers) and the entire surface is gained for living areas. Continue reading BOJAUS



Casa Hache . MADRID

Bojaus Arquitectura . fotos: © Joaquín Mosquera . + arquia

La casa Hache se sitúa en una típica zona suburbana de Madrid de viviendas unifamiliares aisladas. Este tipo de viviendas, como su propia denominación tipológica indica, se aíslan entre sí construyendo un contexto de difícil lectura: un archipiélago de individualidades en donde es difícil saber a qué condicionantes responde cada una al margen de los propios límites de su parcela. Continue reading Bojaus