The inner home . Bilbao

Azab . The inner home . Mangualde afasia (1)

AZAB . photos: © Luis Díaz Díaz

On the mezzanine of a building without great attributes of the 70s next to one of the new expansion areas of Bilbao a small interior apartment hides itself streching its floor between two courtyards.

What is raised here is a radical exercise in archaeology that aims to grab the intervention with the value of the original elements of carpentry that run through the house. In this way, the functions of the house are updated reusing the inheritances of the house and establishes an interior connector axis through a theatrical corridor that aims to supply the connection with the exterior through the intensive use of form and color. Continue reading AZAB



Vienda social en Zorrotzaurre . Bilbao

AZAB. Vienda social en Zorrotzaurre . Bilbao afasia (1)


Zorrotzaurre despierta como una aventura con la que sumergir a Bilbao en una nueva transformación que lo asiente como polo efervescente de actividad y vida en el mutable siglo XXI. Una transformación para ser profunda y exitosa ha de superar la superficialidad de lo formal y buscar un cambio de paradigma que transforme los anhelos y necesidades reales de la sociedad en potencialidades y realidades que amplíen sus horizontes y mejoren su modo de vida. Continue reading AZAB




AZAB . MIXTAPE APARTMENT . Bilbao afasia (3)

AZAB . photos: © Luis Díaz Díaz

The original apartment was built in 1968 in accordance with the project by the architect Celestino Martínez. It features a common domestic display for deep urban block buildings, with a north-south distribution where the common home spaces extend from the north alignment towards the street to the opposite façade open to a south interior courtyard. Continue reading AZAB




AZAB . READY-MADE HOME . Bilbao afasia (2)

AZAB . photos: © Luis Díaz Díaz

The original dwelling, located on one of the edges where the Bilbao urban regular grid begins to blur, is located in an elegant rationalist building designed by Hilario Imaz in the 60s. It presents a particular semi-circular floor plant opened to the outside plaza with generous windows that turn from North to South. Continue reading AZAB


BIG . AZAB + Proskene

Museo de Bellas Artes . Bilbao

BIG . AZAB + Proskene . Museo de Bellas Artes .  Bilbao afasia (1)

BIG . AZAB + Proskene

El Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao es fundamentalmente un museo dentro de un parque. Desde su concepción, siempre fue parte del límite de la ciudad – localizado donde la ciudad se encuentra con el parque, donde la ciudad se encuentra con el puerto y donde el casco histórico se encuentra con los nuevos barrios de Bilbao. Continue reading BIG . AZAB + Proskene