Ribambelle nursery . Neuilly-sur-Marne
Ateliers O-S Architectes . photos: © Vincent Baur
The “Ribambelle” crèche project takes place in the former occupational therapy building in Neuilly-sur-Marne. The latter was attached to the Ville-Evrard psychiatric hospital in the commune of Neuilly-sur-Marne, built in 1868 by the architect Paul Eugène Lequeux. Between 1900 and 1909, the hospital expanded and pavilions were built, including the occupational therapy building which was initially used as a refectory. These new pavilions, often on the ground floor, are organized according to a so-called “English” layout so that patients can move around freely. This new mass plan is made up of numerous green spaces planted with chestnut trees; even today, the site presents remarkable landscape qualities. Continue reading Ateliers O-S