Casa Isla . Murcia

AFAB . photos: © AFAB

This renovation project of an existing dwelling is grounded in two primary premises. Firstly, to maximize the exposure of the dwelling to the beautiful views overlooking Isla del Fraile. The existing dwelling is divided into two parts: a “frontal section” facing the views and a “rear section” opening onto a small patio, housing service spaces. Consequently, the original distribution of the dwelling restricts access to key areas of daily life, such as the kitchen or bathroom, from enjoying the vistas. Continue reading AFAB



Casa para una familia de Felinos y Caninos . Baeza

AFAB (Aitor Frías Sánchez y Joaquín Perailes Santiago) . fotos: © AFAB

El proyecto se basa en dos premisas fundamentales. La primera de ellas fue la intención de restituir a la parcela su condición de paisaje. Esta condición paisajística es negada por el proceso de zonificación urbana, que transforma el territorio en algo que ya no es monte o valle, sino una serie de solares numerados caracterizados por parámetros que no guardan relación con su esencia original, como su biodiversidad, capacidad de drenaje, resiliencia, etc; en cambio, se centran en su nueva condición como producto urbanístico, como los metros cuadrados, edificabilidad y porcentaje de ocupación. Llevamos a cabo un estudio de la fauna y flora autóctonas presentes en la zona y en los montes circundantes, poniendo especial atención a la flora silvestre, rica en plantas aromáticas y perfectamente adaptada al clima de Baeza (Jaén, España), lo que requiere un mínimo mantenimiento y reduce su impacto ambiental. El objetivo de este estudio previo era tratar de restaurar, una vez acabada la construcción, la rica biodiversidad paisajística del lugar. Frente a la tabula rasa, un proceso de restauración medioambiental. Continue reading AFAB



Unconfined beach

JAJAxD (AFAB + DJ Arquitectura + Álvaro Carrillo Arquitecto)

We already have summer here, and this year more than ever the beach will once again be the star destination. However, the uncertainty regarding the evolution of Covid19 has moved to the arena, putting in check those unwritten norms that have allowed us, universally, to reach colonization agreements, perhaps even coexistence, without compromising the degree of freedom of action that implies the enjoyment of the beach. Continue reading JAJAxD


AFAB . Solano


AFAB architecture . Solano . VIBRANT MATTER. TUUSULA afasia (1)

AFAB architecture . Montserrat Solano Rojo

“Vibrant Matter” is a radical proposal based on the productive and phenomenological colonization of the landscape. It pursues “the fourth landscape manifiesto”: that is to say, urban spaces that do not come into conflict with nature but that welcome it, that merge with it and get to beat at the same frequency. Continue reading AFAB . Solano





AFAB architecture

Designing a toilet in somewhere else in the world is not the same as designing it in a place like this one, inserted in one of the most beautiful and intriguing landscapes in the world. In such an environment, we did not even consider the possibility of designing a toilet as a merely functional service, but rather as a vital experience. We propose an absolutely iconic object which those who visit it will remember forever. A different and unique experience in life. The most beautiful toilet in the world. ” Continue reading AFAB