Amann-Canovas-Maruri . Magalhaes

Bird and mammal refuge and water reservoir . Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Amann-Canovas-Maruri . Adelino Magalhaes . photos: © Miguel Fernández-Galiano

The project is located in a protected forest of the “Natura 2000 Network” in the city of Luxembourg. The challenge is to integrate 1000m3 and 50-meter-high drinking water tanks into a fragile context. To do this, a program is generated that, after studying the conditions of the forest and its relationship with other “Natura 2000 Network” forests, includes spaces not only for local birds, but also a refuge for seasonal species. In the same way, the building serves animal and plant species and has the vocation of becoming another tree in the area. Its reflection goes, then, beyond human needs and therefore becomes a more than human project. Continue reading Amann-Canovas-Maruri . Magalhaes


Amann Cánovas Maruri

67 Houses, Shops, and a Garage . Valdebebas

Amann Cánovas Maruri . photos: © Luis Asín

Instead of a place, characterized by compact and continuous fronts we opted to build three towers. Three slender buildings that allow the orientation of the containing apartments in three directions without disturbance, and the living areas to cover a 180 degree horizon, from the mountains of the Sierra of Madrid to the Skyline of the Castellana with its four towers, as well. Continue reading Amann Cánovas Maruri




Amann-Cánovas-Maruri . MOLINETE  PABELLÓN DE SALIDA . Cartagena Luis Asín afasia (3)

Amann-Cánovas-Maruri . fotos: © Luis Asín

El trabajo en arquitectura no entiende de tamaños. La oportunidad de construir una pequeña plaza asociada a un edificio de servicios del Parque arqueológico del Molinete es una ocasión única para investigar sobre los materiales que de manera histórica de han manipulado en Cartagena. El esparto, ligado a los campos de Cartago-Spartaria y a la navegación se convierte en uno de los protagonistas de la actuación. También el acero y la madera que en distintas épocas hablan de la construcción naval en los astilleros de Cartagena. En este sentido es un proyecto evocador. Continue reading Amann-Cánovas-Maruri