a2o architecten

Angelahof . Diepenbeek

a2o architecten . photos: © Stijn Bollaert

Residential-care centre Angelahof is the redevelopment of the former Ursulines convent in Diepenbeek. This monastery has a building history dating back to 1856 and several building periods. The main building with a neo-Gothic chapel on the first floor was designed by Mathieu Christiaens and dates from 1888. Only this main building has had monument status since 2009. From the main access (Wijkstraat), the monastery looks hermetic. The concept envisages a building organisation around a central court with a new main entrance to safeguard the protected monument from rigorous alterations. The complex has been extended by two newly built wings perpendicular to the north-south oriented convent. It now comprises 44 rooms and 46 assisted living flats. The main entrance to the care centre between those wings situated at what used to be the rear of the convent. Part of the garden was kept clear of buildings and now connects to a corridor of significant places in Diepenbeek: the centre, the school, the landscape cemetery. This corridor for active transport complements the busy Wijkstraat. Continue reading a2o architecten



Arthouse Timelab . Ghent

a2o . photos: © Stijn Bollaert

Timelab is situated near Dampoort station in Ghent. It is an artistic organization that branches out to other organizations in the fields of education, civic participation, and sustainability. Timelab embraces a circular economy perspective which reflects the choice to resettle to an obsoleted vermicelli factory. The 1800m2 polluted factory environment was transformed into a space catering to flexible programming and civic interaction. It has three floors; the ground floor has coworking space for 20 persons, an auditorium, and several reception rooms (total 800m2). The first floor has a library, studios, a prototyping lab, and administrative spaces (400m2). The second floor has an open, polyvalent space for concentrated activities or workshops (300m2). Outside, there is a communal garden. In the long run, 20 garage boxes on the site will be transformed into a park. Continue reading a2o


a2o architecten

House Hh . Limburg

a2o architecten . photos: © Evenbeeld

House Hh shows how the realisation of a new house goes hand in hand with the enhancement of the surrounding landscape. At the start of the project the main aim was to offer a maximum view of the surroundings and yet creating a place where the residents can feel at home and secure. The setting for this assignment is at the edge of the woods in a quiet neighborhood. An old bungalow looked dilapidated and the garden was overgrown; the site was strongly separated from the surroundings. We went in search of a sustainable future vision for this beautiful place to live. Continue reading a2o architecten


a2o . aac


a2o . aac . KABO . BERINGEN Stijn Bollaert afasia (8)

a2o architecten . aac architecture . photos: © Stijn Bollaert

Conversion of the former bathing hall of Beringen-Mine into a school
The project is situated in one of the Industrial Heritage buildings of Beringen-Mine. Part of the largest industrial heritage site in Flanders, the former bathing halls will be converted into a nursery and an elementary school with after-school care.
The establishment of these schools at the former mine site helps to make it a part of the social and cultural fabric of the region.
The current focus lies on the tourist-recreational components which are be linked to the urban functions such as living, working, shopping and education.
This new school adds a new layer and creates synergy with the recreational and educational elements already present. Continue reading a2o . aac