EPFL Architecture
This lecture is part of the lecture series “Affordable Housing: Six Exemplary Projects” Continue reading FALA ATELIER
EPFL Architecture
This lecture is part of the lecture series “Affordable Housing: Six Exemplary Projects” Continue reading FALA ATELIER
At a time when our world seems to become increasingly ephemeral and artificial, with technology expanding the notion of digital representation, mediated perception of reality and self-generated content are the new normal. Immersive VR and deepfakes are nothing but a highly sophisticated simulacrum of our own desires. Continue reading Kersten Geers
ArchiTech Network
In our milestone 10th episode we return to where it all started (BIG) and tour Bjarke Ingels Group’s new headquarters in Copenhagen. We join Jens Kaarsholm for one of the first public tours of the office and walk up all 6 floors of the new headquarters as well as talk about Design Technology, BIM, AI and game engines. Continue reading BIG
Herzog & de Meuron
How the Kinderspital Zürich is designed. Continue reading Herzog & de Meuron
Entrevista a Josep Llinàs, Medalla de Oro de loa Premios ARQUITECTURA 2024 Continue reading Josep Llinàs