Christian Kerez

Fondation Beyeler extension . riehen/basel

Christian Kerez . Fondation Beyeler extension . riehenbasel (1)

Christian Kerez . renders: © ArtefactoryLab . + divisare

The shape of the plot (grey), the shape of the buildable underground (red), the shape of the existing small alley and trees (green), and the outline of the biggest possible exhibition space (yellow), are different from one another. These outlines frame and distinguish different building structures.
Conceptual Model
Each level could be understood as one singular surface. Therefore the building, which is much smaller than the actual museum by Renzo Piano will reveal at the interior a bigger scale, will offer larger spaces than the actual museum.

Event Floor
The wall between the auditorium and foyer can be entirely removed. Also, the translucent and darkening curtains surrounding the auditorium can be removed and stored in one single area near the elevator. This elevator leads to the meeting room and VIP room on the mezzanine which is overlooking the foyer and entrance. The different parts of the program which are related to the foyer are open areas only differentiated through furniture; all the furniture is removable. Even the bar is a small vehicle. The ticket kiosk could be entirely closed and removed. For security purposes, the lower area of the wardrobe or the museum shop can be separated through folding grilles.
In a similar way, the space in front of the revolving door leading to the gallery could be closed off to the rest of the foyer. Meanwhile the vestibule can lead directly to the foyer in front of the auditorium.
The auditorium is not only multi-functional but also changes perception entirely both in color and acoustics through different lighting and curtain textiles. Shutters on all sides will differentiate the view to the outside like iron curtains and will add one more layer to the changing atmospheres of this public space on the street level.

Gallery Floor
The ceiling of the gallery floor is constructed with concrete blades. These structural elements are inclined on two sides to protect the interior from direct sunlight. Besides covering a span of more than 20 meters, they follow the logic of a shed roof. The northern light in this space can be changed easily through the simple mechanism of textile blinds with different transparencies. The roof light can be darkened completely, and the exhibition space could receive daylight through the glass walls on the perimeter, which also offer views to the beautiful gardens and landscape surrounding the building. The glazing of the exhibition space is covered by perforated metal panels to cover the glass elevation from direct sunlight. This iron curtain consists of large sliding doors, the positions of which can be opened from one exhibition to another one. The orthogonal exhibition space opens to a glazed terrace from where you can also reach the garden through the fire escape stair on the exterior of the building. Technical spaces are placed on the opposite side of the gallery.

A large hall, 8 meters in height which is offered to the museum facility, is located in the middle of the floorplan of the underground and separates the different parts of the program from each other.
This space is a supplement. It adds an architectural quality to the entire ensemble of the Beyeler complex, providing new options to what the Beyeler museum could offer. The whole program as foreseen in the clients brief could also work without this space for optional cost reduction. The toilets and wardrobes for visitors are easy to reach just underneath the foyer. The stair to the additional space in the underground is curved in an irregular way to disconnect the ground floor from the hidden space.

Architectural Concept
The private Iselin-Webersche park, which is currently hidden behind modest, residential housing, will become a public park and will extend the Berower park of the Beyeler Museum. The new Beyeler Museum provides access and gives a panoramic view of this old and beautiful garden. The building connects the two parks which have different qualities into one continuous landscape garden. Therefore, the entire ground floor can be opened to the public as one singular surface of nearly 100 M2 for various occasions.The horizontal slab of this event area expands out to the existing garden and the small alley in front of the new museum. The entire exhibition area is organized on one singular level without the interruption of a staircase to offer the utmost freedom to the curators. The roof structure, a combination of shed- and coffered ceiling, is exposed to the exterior, where it will be supported by columns which are slightly inclined for structural reasons. Since the museum program is organized on only two levels, the underground can be used in a way which was not foreseen in the given client’s brief; it offers a third space, a ‘hidden space’ with no specific programmatic determination. It is a precious supplement to the program on a very restricted plot. The museum could also work without this supplement to the given program.
The roof structure of the new Beyeler Museum expands over the whole buildable surface. Three monumental maple trees pierce the roof grid, which is open on the exterior, just as the water lily pond connects the existing gardens with the museum building of Renzo Piano. Both buildings receive their character through the exposed interior structure. Both museums reach out into the landscape with a roof which covers a much larger area than the interior spaces. The new building relates in many different ways to the existing building. It also offers qualities which are different to the existing Beyeler Museum. While one enters the existing museum spaces in the middle of the building between collections and changing exhibitions, and one cross the museum to reach the auditorium, the new building offers immediate access to the event area, while a curved ramp within the trees leads upstairs to the exhibition space which is lit ideally with skylights from above. In the new building, the program is organized in an extremely compact manner to offer bigger open spaces in a museum which is actually much smaller than the existing one. In opposition to the homogeneous articulation of the spaces on the ground floor and in the underground of the Piano building, the new architecture underlines the difference between the level of the ground floor and of the elevated level by two totally separated structural systems. A very porous concrete roof structure provides pure northern light. Supporting columns stand in front of the building and create a space in front of the volume, changing in form and depth. The carved out, massive ceiling over the ground floor is only supported by six monumental concrete columns. The new building will be much more than an extension or a pure addition of surfaces. It will allow a new approach to art; it is a new tool to make the encounter between nature, art and the visitors richer and more diversified.

Landscape Design
The sheer beauty of the Iselin-Webersche park does not require or even admit any changes. The existing paths will become slightly larger for the public visitors. Some ragged bushes and plants which do not belong to the initial design will be removed. Besides this scrubbing, a few small fields of wild flowers will enhance the magic and beauty of the existing park. The concrete slabs of the ground floor only expands to the space underneath the sycamore trees to create an intimate courtyard within the existing garden walls. A huge window can be sunken in the underground to give a view to the beautiful park. There will be no path or terrace in front of the building that would compromise this natural picture. On a sunny day, visitors will sit or just walk on the grass as they already do in the adjacent park in summertime. The auditorium and the coffee shop within the foyer are entirely glazed to offer a perfect view into this old and once hidden garden. This view will be the most important architectural quality of the ground floor.

The existing topography will be changed to match perfectly the horizontality of the event area wherever the roots of the existing trees allow. The area covered with gravel on the other side of the small alley will be covered with grass to avoid the notion of a backside to the Berower park. Only one new elliptical space between old and high trees will be newly covered with gravel for events, gatherings, or dinners in the middle of the park, clearly separated from any building. The surface of this clearing will be large enough to host several hundred people.
Müller Illien Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH

Lighting Concept
The requirements for all day lighting as well as artificial lighting will be designed in accordance with spectral requirement (infrared, uv immission etc.), and in order to avoid direct sunlight. Maintenance as well as energy consumption are self-evident requirements to be fulfilled. There are significant daylight opportunities that need to be defined for an optimized solution. The first floor is a huge space covered by a ceiling with openings directed towards the north. These kind of sheds guarantee the most possible daylight coverage without direct sunlight. The whole space will give a strong impression of being connected to the open sky. The space itself will have the possibility to be separated into variable subdivisions. Even though completely dark space is sometimes provided, there will be a sidelighting system implemented as well.This LED light system will cover the entire gallery space. This ambient light will be fixed to a track system built into the bottom of the beams. The track itself provides the possibility for different spots, wallwasher etc.
The daylight intake in the groundfloor will be regulated by different curtains producing a nice ambiance and will cover transmission from partial light intake up to total darkness. The vaulted ceiling will be lit by indirect lighting fixtures and an incorporated track system which will cover the requirements and provide atmosphere as well. Due to the fact that there is no daylight in the basement at all, the artificial light in the basement takes on an important status. There will be many rooms lit with linear LED profiles. As a specific entity, the hidden space will be provided with artificial day light with the possibility of variable intensity and colors which can mimic actual daylight and which can likewise follow the needs and wishes of curators or exhibitions.
Daniel Tschudy Lichtplanung

Energy Concept
Cooling for the minimization of the energy and operational costs in the new building. The operation of the air conditioning in the existing building has shown that the thermal energy demand in summer is extremely high, due to the need for de-humidification, and presents a high potential for optimization. Therefore the monoblocs of the new museum exhibition spaces will be equipped with two heat recovery rotors (WRG rotors). One transmits humidity additionally to the heat. The regulation will be energy-optimized. During the summer and autumn months, when de-humidification is required, the purely thermal rotor can heat the cooled down and dehumidified air to the needed supply air temperature. Therefore significantly less supply of district heating at the owners expense is necessary. Also the efficiency of the cooling unit will not be compromised by the requirements of an additional use of wasted heat. During the cooler months, when humidification of the exterior air is needed, an adiabatic humidification is used after the rotor with transmission of humidity. The fresh air volume flow will be energy-optimized and regulated depending on the demands based on the measured air conditions. Also, circulating air can be used for the air conditioning. As a result, the expenses for the humidification and dehumidification energy can be reduced. Each exhibition floor should be singularly regulated if possible. Therefore, separate air-treatment systems or decentral posttreatment (aftercooler, re-heater, …) are needed. This measure allows for the minimization of the operational costs, for the air treatment as well as for the operating power of the ventilators. The requirements including the permissible tolerances of the required climate class AA are being fulfilled and the operational costs are minimized through the application of an energy-optimized overall system.
The air supply is distributed over the floor space. The supply air can be introduced through floor grilles in the parapet area and additional floor outlets, through deposits. The exhaust air is centrally collected in the underground and ground floors. In the upper floor, the exhaust air is discharged alongside the glass facade. This is because humid and warm air accumulates in the highest areas, which might result in condensation when outside temperatures are low.

Heating and Cooling
The thermal comfort during heating operation is ensured through the use of large heating surfaces, which are supplied with the lowest possible flow temperature. Surfaces with special requirements are supplied with heat through complying systems. If necessary, surplus heat is extracted from the space with the cooling. The delivery systems are chosen with system temperatures which correspond as best as possible to the room temperatures. This enables an efficient processing, reduces losses and increases the perception of comfort.
Amstein + Walthert AG

Building Management
The planning takes into account the structural effects of the geological circumstances and presents an solution for the excavation, which treats the surroundings with care. This complies especially with the root area of the tree population in the park. The groundwater level at 11 to 13m below ground surface is not effected. The vertical sheet pile constitutes the permanent formwork. Due to the local building conditions and the assumed geology, the preparatory works is complex. The architect’s approach makes possible an additional exhibition space, which expands the flexibility and usability of the museum significantly. The continuous and sealed external insulating layer in the ground which coalesces with the concrete allows for a filigree outer shell. The interior remains free for installations. The extensive roof is carried out as a coffered ceiling in in-situ concrete, which is supported by concreted steel columns. The execution is not only of aesthetic value, but it also uses the materials in a reasonably economic and ecologic way. All elements like concrete, glass or sun protection rest recognizable as such, thus single elements can be replaced or restored anytime.
Ghisleni Partner AG

The cost estimation was created with the assistance of macro elements. These are based on element groups and/or elements according to the specifications of the element of cost structure. The accuracy of such an estimation therefore exceeds significantly an estimation with the conventional method of the building volume. The reference values for building services, facade, lighting and environment were communicated by the specialist planners specifically for this project. The other reference values are based on figures based on experience of similar objects. The additional `hidden’ exhibition area is estimated at 4670 m3. Generating this extended zone, which can be constructed relatively cheaply, increases the flexibility for the exhibitors many times over.
The fusion of the building with its environment is reflected in the form, the degrees of transparency of the building elements and the density of the volumes. The architectonic concept connects constructions, structure and building services into an energetically balanced machine that can meet the demands of a museum at any time.
Ghisleni Partner AG

The Roof construction will be built as a sloped system with fixed triple glazed infills. The construction will be fixed to the main concrete structure. The safety glass is treated with thermal and sun protection coating to avoid overheating and minimize thermal loss. The glass joints along the slope are covered with pressure plates to hold the glass mechanically. The cross joints are sealed to ensure a flat surface of the roof for drainage of surface water. Above the glass, an additional shading grille feature is positioned. The space between the grille and the glass can be cleaned with a hose from the top. Any broken glass can be replaced from the top. Vertically oriented full height glazing will be placed at the ground floor and first floor with structural steel stiffening mullions oriented toward the exterior. Towards the interior, no mullions are needed and the vertical glass joints are sealed to one another. At the bottom and the top, the glass is held in place in thermally broken channels. The safety triple glazing is treated with thermal and sun protection coating to avoid overheating and minimize thermal loss. Externally perforated metal sliding panels get installed to enable sun protection and a variable visual appearance of the façade. The sliding panels are operated manually by the staff. Glass can be cleaned externally with the help of sky workers. Broken glass will be replaced from the inside of the building.
Areas of the ground floor façade get built with large, framed triple safety glazing, which are placed into a slot in the ground.Areas at the ground floor get protected with a folding grille which is motorised.

Reba Fassadentechnik AG

Building Physics
In basic terms, the new construction is totally different than the existing museum by Renzo Piano. All the horizontal distribution channels are integrated in the concrete slab of the new building which produces a much more efficient thermal mass. Therefore, the climate within the museum should be much easier to control and more consistent with less technological effort. The recesses within the ceilings increase this effect considerably. The coffered roof and the arch-like excavations of the ceiling above the ground floor are built as thermally active building elements. All glass surfaces on the roof of this new building will receive shadow through gridded metal shutters. The fins/blades of the shutters are oriented exactly in the same way as the coffered roof. Therefore, the visitor can still see the sky outside looking northward. You can walk on these roof shutters, which simplifies their maintenance. It is possible to take away these singular elements depending on curatorial choices. The perforated steel screens which protect the gallery space from direct sunlight are mounted on a construction of steel tubes which could be opened or closed by huge sliding doors from one exhibition to the other. The retractable shutters on the ground floor provide less shadow for the glass walls because here the shadow will be provided by the very old and tall trees of the park. Besides, this floor plan is much more open and the solar heat gain from the glass façade is less significant. The recesses in the ceiling of the ground floor and upper floor will have a positive impact on the acoustics of the space. They interrupt direct reflection of sound in the ceiling area. The curtains on the three sides of the auditorium will absorb the sound in this area significantly during events. This form of acoustical absorption is extremely flexible and can be adapted in a very simple manner within a short time to the different functions of this space.
BAKUS Bauphysik & Akustik GmbH

The supporting structure of the building consists of a table-like construction in reinforced concrete, which develops out of the underground and constitutes the structure above the ground floor. Together with the base slab and the ceiling above the underground, the external enclosing walls constitute a stiff box, in which six massive columns out of reinforced concrete are fixed. These columns support the ceiling of the underground as well as the ceiling of the ground floor. For the ceiling over the ground floor they don’t only absorb the vertical loads, but are also responsible for the lateral stiffening of the table-like construction by absorbing the impacts of wind and earthquakes by frame action. This is on the one hand possible because of the massive diameter of these columns (approximately one meter) and on the other hand because the monolithic ribbed slab is formed in a structurally efficient way, with beams with variable sections and robust cross beams. The reinforced concrete ceiling above the underground works in a similar way to carry the vertical loads. The horizontal loads are carried by activating the exterior walls. For this reason solely primary prismatic ribs are arranged in the axes of the columns. Outside the table-like construction, the slab develops into a massively pre-stressed flat ceiling out of reinforced concrete. This slab carries the filigree columns of the roof construction in the sense of the table-like concept. The intermediate ceiling of the underground is executed in a light weight timber construction and is only carrying vertical loads. The construction of the roof spans the entire upper floor with a light coffered ceiling and encloses the ground floor with its thin high-strength columns out of high strength reinforced concrete. Contrary to the table-like construction, it is reduced to the optimized and indispensable use of material. By structurally activating the inclined columns, the roof-column structure behaves like a frame and guarantees its stiffening under lateral loads. The coffered ceiling of the shed-like roof features a variable static height increasing towards midspan nicely corresponding to its structural bending action. The coffered ceiling features a quadratic grid in the interior which becomes a rhombic and equally efficient grid on the exterior. The basement floor and the table-like construction are built in a conventional way with wall formworks and formwork tables. The ribbed slab above the ground floor can be constructed by using either a lost formwork or coated hard-foam formwork inlays. The filigree pillars that support the roof are prefabricated in high-strength concrete. The roof is constructed by a combination of prefabricated strips and intermediate areas in in-situ concrete. In that way the construction of an economic and very robust skeletal structure is guaranteed.
Dr. Schwartz Consulting AG