Lacaton & Vassal

New Aarch . Aarhus

Lacaton & Vassal . Bessards’ Studio

Selected competition entry by Lacaton & Vassal and BESSARDs’ Studio in cooperation with Kristine Jensens Tegnestue, Jørgen Nielsen, Strunge Jensen and Sergio Fox Awe for the new architecture school in Aarhus won by ADEPT.

Location : Aarhus, Denmark
Design year : Competition, non prize winner 2016
Client : The Danish Building & Property Agency with Aarhus School of Architecture
Architects :
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, with Bessards’ Studio
with, Cloé Cazade, Pelle Carlsen, Julien Callot, Cora Schöneich, Olivier Lekien, Iseult Mc Cullough, Roddy Bow, Tobias Grumstrup Lund Øhrstrøm, collaborators.
Kristine Jensens Tegnestue, Landscape architect.
Engineers :
Peter Hermansen, Jørgen Nielsen, Strunge Jensen, Sergio Fox Awe Architecture
Program :
Construction of the New School of Architecture in Aarhus – NEW AARCH
Gross floor area : 17 161 sqm
Cost : 177,3 M DKK HT