ateliers o-s architectes . photos: © SIMONE BOSSI
Located in Massy (91) south of Paris, the project takes place in the Eco Parc de la Bonde, a mixed-use park constituting an urban link in the development of the south of the city. located on the edge of the Business Park, along a departmental road and agricultural land. The project therefore has a prospective urban responsibility, and must offer a facade on the departmental road that can be integrated into a future context. Welcoming business and office spaces, this project participates in the architectural laboratory that is the ZAC de la Bonde, promoting a technical and tertiary village atmosphere and providing its own identity.
The program includes eleven lots of high clearance, each consisting of a large storage space on the ground floor and an office space on the mezzanine. We have installed these lots in two symmetrical autonomous buildings parallel to a departmental road and organized around a large common service courtyard. Each building is developed according to the same geometric and functional principles, and is distinguished by a different color.
We have established an open figure by framing the landscape, the building holds the limits of the site and offers a clear reading of composition and operation. The project develops a volumetry punctuated by folding roofs and facades organized on the frame of the lots. The roof is therefore made up of double asymmetric slopes.
The identity of the project is affirmed by this work of folding, and also by a set of superimposed registers of the facades which gives to read a superposition of two volumes rather than a compact mass, using a variation of the frame. metal cladding. The peripheral side facades are thus treated by a kinetic device. The steel frame allows a large span of thirty meters, while adapting to the geometries of the roofs.
The two head lots located rue de l’Aulnaye Dracourt are larger, and offer large corner windows marking the main entrance to the site. The office spaces are mainly located on the mezzanine floor, and are accessible in direct connection with the storage area by a staircase. Access to the peripheral facades allows quick access to the offices without going through the service courtyard. The offices each have large windows opening onto the surrounding landscape.
The general image of the project is that of a toolbox, a technological and functional tool that marks the dynamism of the city of Massy, with a concern for architectural, urban and landscape quality while offering an evolving technical device. and partitionable for the sake of flexibility of use over time.
Urban Valley : activity building and offices
6 rue de l’Aulnaye Dracourt 91300 Massy
Competition : June 2016
Delivery: juillet 2020
BUDGET : 6 200 000 euros HT compris VRD
SDP: 6 455 m2
outdoor spaces: 7 300 m²
Hertel Investissement
ateliers o-s architectes (mandataire)
Architectes : Vincent Baur, Guillaume Colboc et Gaël Le Nouëne
Team project : Florian Desmurger, Jennifer Boucaud, Julia Chambon, Yvanie Wilhelm
INNOVIA (BET TCE, économiste)
FAAR paysage (paysagiste)
activity building and offices
_ Fondations spéciales : Keller
_ Gros Œuvre : La Maison Blanche
_ Charpente : Briand Gerard
_ Bardage couverture : Face IDF
_ Menuiseries extrérieurs : Face Alu
_ Portes sectionnelles : Hormann
_ Plomberie : SET
_ CVC : Alize Clim