Comte/Meuwly . MaciverekChevroulet
The transformation of the large village house in the centre of the village of Couvet springs from a fascination for its history and the several evolutions that it has experienced over the years. Built in 1790, the house has seen many functions, has been enlarged and transformed multiple times: home, distillery, pharmacy, offices have all taken place within these robust stone walls. The introduction of new uses in the house is yet another layer to be added to its rich history, with the work proceeding in an almost archeological manner: to understand the existing, reinterpret and reuse the elements of the past that have become outdated and obsolete, instead of simply removing them. To find the traces of the past hidden in the materials and understand the numerous interventions and reparations undertaken by the inhabitants over more than 200 years.
The large circular opening punctuates the long facade that lines the street, whilst subtly resonating with the eye of the church that it faces. Inside, the new additions become an inevitable part of the daily functioning of the house: the new kitchen, stairs, entrance hall, buffet room and technical spaces are spread amongst the different parts of the house, the different periods of construction. The building becomes the meeting place for the village chaps after a long day of work.