The industrial monument. Unlike the “traditional” European city whose characteristic image is usually associated with the qualities of the residential area in its historical centre, the heritage of the city of Hamburg extends beyond housing, the square and the street to incorporate a whole rich tradition linked to the industrial sphere. This “other” heritage extends from the landscape, as we have mentioned, to the architecture encompassing an infinite collection of objects, machinery, constructions and vehicles that the city has forged its own identity with.
In this sense we could speak of a “productive industrial monumentality” as an identifying element for an entire community. However, the monument is living heritage since it has remained in active use over time. A fully contemporary monument that, due to its location and spatial qualities (dimensional, structural, etc.), may be able to survive a specific activity and become flexible “scaffolding” capable of adapting to new times and new uses. The proposed work site, the future district of Elbinselquartier on Elbe Island in Wilhemsburg is clearly representative of these landscapes so characteristic of the city of Hamburg. This is a place also built on a site with an important old industrial past: the margarine factory on Jaffestrasse, which has wisely had two of its most unique buildings preserved.
Its location between transport, communication and recreational canals (Jaffe Davids Canal and Amann Canal), the present industries and manufacturing (from heavier industry to the workshops for services and ateliers), the abundance of the riverside vegetation, cultivated areas used for agriculture, as well as marsh and green land, the heterogeneous mixed usage (from the previously mentioned productive ones to residential) make the site a potential model of coexistence between new typologies and those that have always been there.
Industrial Reflections converts this particular hybrid situation into the basis of a project capable of engaging in a dialogue with the city image over different scales and time periods: on the one hand, the history of such a complex location that is trapped in the various pre-existing elements (residential and industrial) and on the other the desire to develop an integrated district, a neighbourhood of mixed functions and social uses, where housing, work and commerce coexist in harmony.
Industrial Reflections starts by identifying certain constituent materials from the project site, and using them defines a specific language and heir to the industrial past and present, the current infrastructure and how the district has been built over time.
Urban implementation. At an urban level the proposal follows the general indications determined by the winning proposal for the Elbinselquartier functional plan established for the sector. The requirements relating to connections and general circulation networks, the dimensioning of individual buildings, schematic volumes (alignments and building heights), the relationship between public spaces (urban, natural) and the mix of intended uses are considered on each of the scales the proposal operates on. The project is developed by means of these premises at a spatial, material and functional level, enhancing the master plan to achieve a specific and unique solution based on the desired mixture of housing and business in the area.
The reflection of “industry” on the canal becomes an image that is especially important for the whole district.The “structural order” is present in many of the elements found in this complex. Whether the repetitive dimension of the “container” or the patterned facade of the buildings of the old margarine factory, there is complete structural rigour unifying objects and elements from a variety of different origins.
Work and residential spaces build an image that is both diverse and unitary at the same time between factory and housing, between the past and the future. The proposed new hybrid building typology is quite flexible, adapting the structural and envelope mesh to the needs and number of different uses found within each building. More resistant and liberated slabs floors with more transparent enclosures identify the productive and work-oriented use while the residential is associated with smaller dimensions and with the hollow and the window, being the representative domestic elements.
The complex and difficult stratified overlap of housing and productive industry is filtered (apart from adequate structural elements) by the positioning of strategic botanical terraces and circulation galleries which, as natural screens, attenuate possible interference (acoustic and olfactory) that may arise between these two different uses.
In the organization of the urban space, the proper mix of working, commercial and residential spaces, establishing different relationship gradients and typologies between productive multifunctional uses. Along the main street, the activities of a more public nature are carried out. Heavily frequented spaces are used to get walk-in customers, while locations at the back of buildings are used more for developing and producing goods and services. Commercial spaces with workshops on the ground floor yet requiring direct contact with customers are distributed throughout the street area. These exist in conjunction with another type of multifunctional usage; as a space intended for public events (exhibitions, conferences) and another related to restoration. The whole area connected to the canal is also activated with uses that could be linked to sports activities. A canoe wharf is located at the ends of the Block17.
The housing is always raised above the public street, either occupying the upper floors or on a small platform that is especially characteristic in Blocks 26 where residential use is denser. The spaces destined for labour activities in these areas are characterized by shared rent zones for cooperative work with common infrastructures.
The idea of a flexible and multifunctional infrastructure finds an interesting reference to take into account (Puhsthof Jaffestraße and Haffe12) in the “Puhsthöfe” implanted in the area. In line with this, the proposal calls for multi-purpose commercial and work spaces (workshops, studios and offices) that are easily adaptable to different uses, either by grouping several units or by compartmentalising them.
The location of a compact infrastructure connecting vertical circulations, humid areas (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) and storage spaces enables maximum spatial liberation. With one or more floors, with greater proximity to the customer or as an exclusive space only for work, with private car parks (exterior or interior) or without them, with more or less storage space, with connections to special facilities (high-voltage current as well as for aeration plants and fire-protection) the proposal offers a collection of spaces that can be used multi-functionally, facilitating occupancy by a wide range of users.
From more traditional work spaces such as carpentry workshops, metalworking, perfumeries, watchmaking, shoemaking to newer disciplines employing the latest cutting edge technology (digital printing, 3d machining, laser), from logistic spaces or laboratories (food, cleaning, etc.) with special storage and transport needs to small ateliers and private artist and creative studios, the raised structure allows the greatest possible versatility of uses by prioritizing its contact with the street or at least with large terraces facilitating the loading and unloading of stockage.
This idea of an equipped central core extends to residential usage in each of the proposed typologies (duplex, simplex, corridor, double facade etc.) so that many times the work and residential space can be interchangeable and even overlap. The “growth” system enabled for commercial use is also transferred to the housing, allowing for the possibility of joining adjacent units. The housing units, structured on various facility cores offer a wide amount of possibilities and a large variety of options for a wide range of possible users. These cores, both in residences and in work spaces will be prefabricated facilitating their implementation in the whole complex.
AUTHORS: Tomás García Píriz (CUAC ARQUITECTURA) + Álvaro Castellano Pulido
COLABORATORS: Graziano Testa, Martina Vismara, Miriam Pistocchi, José Antonio Herrera García, José Antonio Sánchez Fuentes, Luis Miguel Ruiz Avilés, María del Pilar Becerra García
Juan Socas . Slow is beautiful . Europan 14 . Toulouse
Toulouse, Balma and L’Union are adjacent towns, yet split up in multiples pieces. To become nutritive, the project is expressed by an initiating line. This linear and clear action makes it possible to develop, by reaction, a secondary network of extensions and punctual events. Inserted in a much wider temporality, iterative operations engage a long-term dynamic. It is an operation of urban renewal, development of local economies and businesses. We imagine the emergence of a domino effect initiated by a simple vertebral structure.
#Metropolitan Scale
Giving visibility to the city entrance and correcting inter-polar fragmentation are two major issues at this scale.
City entrance: a burst of Toulouse dares to cross the ring road, taking the look from a hand held out, as a metropolitan gate.
Inter-pole connections: the line connects the various interchanges allowing the insertion of soft transport systems.
#Territorial scale
The motorway is delimited by a vegetable mass, densifying the acoustic barrier with species having a high coefficient of CO2 absorption. Secondary streets are lined with aromatic plants enhancing the sensory experience of walkers.
The Garrigue stream is treated with phytoepuration techniques making it become a central rib of a periurban fabric. Fruitwood and agricultural plots are making a transition between the various heterogeneous meshes.
#District scale
Industrial typologies on the site have made the parcels partitioned. Large and undeveloped areas surrounding the existing constructions are offered to the city. The intervention takes advantage of the porosity to establish productive activities there. By choosing to open these surfaces, the project proposes a system of partnership between owners and small producers. By temporarily transferring private soils used as vegetable gardens, the plots become open and productive. Benefits and productions could be shared between owners and producers.
#Housing Scale
New types of housing can arise from a reflexion about productivity in the city ; new forms of habitat where multiples uses stack up, as strata. The ground floor houses production and direct sales spaces. The floors are reserved for the habitat.
#Human scale
Lastly, the pedestrian and cycling axis, carrying multiple activities, links the different multiscalary operations, giving a new temporal dynamic to the lives of the inhabitants and users.
La rencontre entre Toulouse, Balma et l’Union se fond dans un territoire extrêmement dilaté, et pourtant contigu. L’intervention, pour devenir nourricière, s’exprime par un axe initiateur. L’apport de cette action, immédiate, linéaire et nette dans sa structure vient rendre possible le développement, par réaction, d’un réseau secondaire de prolongements et d’événements ponctuels. Une constellation d’activités apparaît. Inscrites dans une temporalité beaucoup plus large, des opérations itératives engagent une dynamique sur le long terme. Il s’agit d’une opération de renouvellement urbain, de développement des économies locales et des commerces de proximité. Nous imaginons l’émergence d’un effet “dominó” initié par une seule et simple structure vertébrale. Le but est de démarrer, grâce à l’ouverture du projet, un processus participatif où l’habitant devient l’acteur principal.
#Échelle métropolitaine
Donner une visibilité à l’entrée de ville et corriger la fragmentation inter-pôles, sont les deux enjeux majeurs à cette échelle.
Entrée de ville : un éclat de paysage toulousain ose franchir le périphérique, prenant ainsi l’allure d’une main tendue, telle une porte métropolitaine. Une structure d’une richesse symbolique qui met en valeur la nature et la mobilité lente.
Connexions inter-pôles : l’axe connecte les différents échangeurs permettant l’insertion des systèmes de déplacements doux dans les quartiers.
#Échelle territoriale
L’identité centrale de l’intervention à cette échelle réside dans un programme donnant place à l’expression paysagère.
L’autoroute voit ainsi ses tracés délimités par une masse végétale. Le projet densifie la barrière acoustique, avec des espèces possédant un haut coefficient d’absorption en CO2.
La nationale et les rues secondaires sont bordées de plantes aromatiques améliorant l’expérience sensorielle et olfactive des promeneurs.
Le ruisseau de la Garrigue est traité avec des techniques de phyto-épuration lui permettant de devenir nervure centrale du tissu periurbain.
L’implantation de bois fruitiers et de parcelles agricoles viennent faire transition entre les différents maillages hétérogènes.
#Échelle de quartier
Les typologies industrielles présentes sur le site ont la particularité d’avoir rendu le parcellaire cloisonné. Des larges zones non bâties entourent les constructions existantes. Ces étendues vierges d’usages en limites de parcelles s’offrent à la ville. Le projet tire partie de la porosité du tissu existant pour y implanter des activités productives.
En choisissant d’ouvrir ces surfaces, le projet propose un système de partenariat entre propriétaires et petits producteurs. Par une cession temporaire de sols privés qui sont utilisés comme jardins potagers, les parcelles deviennent ouvertes et productives. L’idée est que le bénéfice et les productions soient partagés entre propriétaires et producteurs.
#Échelle de l’habitat
De nouvelles typologies de logements peuvent naître d’une réflexion sur la notion de productivité dans la ville. Le projet peut ainsi accueillir des nouvelles formes d’habitat où les usages de la ville s’empilent à l’image des strates. Les rez-de-chaussées accueillent du tertiaire, des espaces de production et de vente directe. Les étages sont réservés à l’habitat.
#Échelle humaine
Enfin l’axe piéton et cyclable, porteur de multiples activités, relie les différentes opérations multiscalaires, permettant de donner une nouvelle dynamique temporelle aux vies des habitants et usagers.
#Entrer dans la ville productive
Un éclat de paysage s’élève et franchit l’A61 au niveau de la D112 construisant l’identité visuelle de la nouvelle entrée de Toulouse. Les échangeurs d’Argoulets et Balma-Gramont sont connectés et permettent la venue de modes de déplacements doux jusqu’à Atlanta pour initier le développement commercial d’un nouveau quartier mixte à dominante économique.
#Abattre les murs
Les petits producteurs viennent installer leurs surfaces agricoles dans les espaces cédés par les propriétaires en échange d’une partie de la production. Le centre commercial Balma-Gramont transforme les places de parking acollées à la route d’Agde en un ensemble productif, agricole et gastronomique. Ce nouveau vecteur économique crée un pôle d’attraction inédit : production-transformation-consommation au même endroit.
# Produire des nouvelles typologies
L’Union devient un laboratoire urbain qui accueille des nouvelles formes d’habitats en strates où les usages de la ville se démultiplient : des espaces de production et tertiaires aux premiers niveaux et des espaces de vie aux niveaux supérieurs. L’habitant, régulateur de la densité de la ville dans le processus participatif, devient pièce maîtresse de la construction du quartier.
Juan Socas (ES), Architect
Aline Bergeron (FR), Student in Architecture
Maria Agrici (RO), Student in Architecture
Corentin Morgan De Rivery (FR), Student in Architecture
Joseph Jean Pierre (MU), Student in Architecture
Clement Tardivet (FR), Student in Architecture
Clarisse Goiffon (FR), Student in Architecture
Lisa Lamotte (FR), Student in Architecture
Valentine Debizet (FR), Student in Architecture
Romane Guillou (FR), Student in Architecture
Konrad Scheffer . Sarah Haubner . Die Fabrik . Europan 14 . Kriens
Density, Mix, Simultaneity
The Andritz-Site offers ideal conditions for the development of a new landmark neighborhood due to its location and its industrial heritage. Instead of a tabula rasa approach, we want to preserve and enhance its characteristic qualities of a production site. Hall 7 and Hall 8 will be excavated from the existing conglomerate in order to become accessible to the public. The rationality of industrial production processes can be applied to the spatial order with its new program: Linearity and cross-linkages continue to dominate the structure; this functional layout however is highly permeable thus creating an open frame for interaction.
The ground floor houses a great variety of workshops, exhibition- and event spaces as well as gastronomic venues. These functions are not separated but merge into each other for mutual enrichment. It welcomes manufacturing businesses that make use of the shared infrastructure and that profit from public exposure. The products can be displayed and sold right on site. The upper floors house the apartments: two slabs, three towers and a „wall“, with varying degrees of collectivity, do-it-yourself potential and flexibility in terms of living and working. The preference of exterior circulation creates a generous feel and enables encounters. The living- and work environment is not confined to the private interiors, but can be extended and interconnected. This mix of living, production and public life is the basis for an active neighborhood.
The Existing Buildings
Hall 7 is used as a collective workshop primarily by the small units in Slab 1. Mobile partition walls and curtains along the trusses create zones for production, exhibition and events. These activities extend into the courtyard, the „Werkhof“.
Hall 8 – The glass passage, an open canopy, is the central connecting corridor of the neighborhood, to which all squares and streets lead and where the adjoining workshops display their products.
Other existing buildings – the former hydraulic test facility and the electric workshop – are reused and redesigned in order to add to the public program and the spatial heterogeneity of the site.
The New Buildings
The Slabs represent best the collective and active character of the neighborhood. The ground floor houses small workshops and artist spaces (60 m2 each) that function in combination with hall 8, the „Werkhof“ and the shared kitchen. The upper floors are suitable both for living and working. Sky streets give access and the possibility of extending the apartments. The units are minimally equipped to encourage self-finishing. With a floor height of four meters there is even space for additional gallery levels. A cargo-elevator is part of the productive infrastructure. Slab 1 houses predominantly single units and collective apartments for 8 – 10 persons. Slab 2 combines the units to three to five bedroom apartments.
The Towers prominently occupy the extremities of the site. Just like the circulation system of the whole neighborhood, an open, collective middle axis gives access to the apartments in Tower 1 and Tower 3. The flexible floor plan allows the partition in two or three bedrooms.
The „Wall“ is set against the existing residential complex Zumhofweg. The orientation to only one side requires a slender volume. Patios enable natural ventilation in the rear layer and place the garden in the center of living. The standard unit is a two to three bedroom apartment, larger shared apartment are located at both extremities. Laundry rooms for the residents, offices and artist spaces are located on the ground floor, with a kindergarden and playground to the north.
The Offices – Office 1 to the west is reserved for the Andritz company in the 2nd development phase. Office 2 tothe east forms an entry to hall 8 and caters to start-ups which can share spaces and profit from synergies.
The Sheds – The manufacturing halls are lit by a shed roof structure, which adds to the industrial character of the site. They can be divided into smaller units in the short direction, with the possibility of large-scale production on 2250 m2 and medium-scale production on 200 – 470 m2. The „Factory“ with its position directly facing the old town center is a workshop and showroom for regional designers and craftsmen.
Exterior spaces
The „Turbine Square“, the entrance court, is the face to the city with the „Werkhof“ being the social center of the neighborhood. Hall 8 – an interior-exterior hybrid – is the connecting axis. Streets of varying widths are used for light transportation of goods, as well as pedestrian and bicycle circulation, welcoming the lively effects of mixed and overlapping flows.
Located to the north is the loading area with large loading decks, as well as the access to the underground parking deck with an additional loading area for the southern part of the site. The area along Eschenweg becomes green, in respect of the historic workers settlement and in transition to the hills of Sonneberg, however it remains highly productive as a community garden. The greenhouse on to of the truck garage helps to levels the different altitudes of the terrain.
Instead of the original brief we suggest to develop the northern part of the site in phase 1. The office buildings KB 1 / 2, GB 1 and GB 2 remain in use by the Andritz company. After relocation into the new Office 1, the old offices can be demolished and the southern part of the site can be developed.