SCHLICKEYSEN Bovedilla series #01

ENORME . SCHLICKEYSEN Bovedilla series #01 (1)

ENORME Studio . photos: © Javier de Paz García . + divisare

SCHLICKEYSEN is a modular furniture system based on two types of modular metal supports and standard-sized ceramic curved vaults. All kinds of settings can be configured from the combination of these three elements; picnic tables, continuous benches, grandstands, topographies, and many more typologies can be achieved by just stacking the metal supports and using the ceramic vaults as horizontal supporting surface.


In 1855 the German machinery manufacturer Carl Schlickeysen issued the patent he had recently created, the “Universal Patent Brickmaking machine”, the first machine created to manufacture bricks by extrusión as an industrial process.

SCHLICKEYSEN is a modular furniture system based on two types of modular metal supports and standard-sized ceramic curved vaults. All kinds of settings can be configured from the combination of these three elements; picnic tables, continuous benches, grandstands, topographies, and many more typologies can be achieved by just stacking the metal supports and using the ceramic vaults as horizontal supporting surface.

SCHLICKEYSEN is the first prototype of BOVEDILLA SERIES research, initiated by ENORME Studio and aimed to promote the use of industrialized ceramic pieces applied to furniture. SCHLICKEYSEN first prototype has been fabricated for Centro Cultural Conde Duque in Madrid, firstly to be used as temporary furniture arrangement to provide space for activities at Gastrofestival 2017 and secondly to be included as a part of the Centre’s permanent furniture.

BOVEDILLA SERIES commits to the use of local materials and handcrafted work. Ceramic pieces used to produce the furniture are part of the stock owned by Grupo Díaz Redondo entreprise dedicated to the production of industrialized ceramics. Metal parts are fabricated at metalwork workshop CRRSA, both located a few kilometres away from Madrid.

Diseñadores: ENORME Studio
Colaboradores: Elise Weegels /Derek Oliveira /Bennedikte Vefling /Catherine Grillo /Sofía Martínez
Construcción: CARRSA + ENORME Studio
Cliente: Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid.

En 1855 el alemán Carl Schlickeysen hizo pública su patente “Universal Patent Brickmaking machine”, la primera máquina destinada a fabricar ladrillos por extrusión de manera industrial.
 SCHLICKEYSEN es un sistema de mobiliario modular que funciona a partir de dos módulos de soportes metálicos y bovedillas cerámicas curvas de tamaño normalizado. A partir de estos tres elementos se pueden generar todo tipo de configuraciones; mesas de picnic, bancos corridos, graderíos, topografías; mediante el simple apilado de los soportes metálicos y el uso de las bovedillas como superficie horizontal de apoyo.
 SCHLICKEYSEN es el primer prototipo de la línea de investigación BOVEDILLA SERIES con la que desde ENORME Studio trabajamos con el fin de potenciar el uso de piezas cerámicas industrializadas aplicadas al mobiliario. El primer prototipo SCHLICKEYSEN ha sido desarrollado para el Centro Cultural Conde Duque en Madrid, primero como mobiliario temporal para albergar las distintas actividades del Gastrofestival 2017 desarrolladas en el mismo y después como parte del mobiliario permanente del centro.
 BOVEDILLA SERIES apuesta por el KM0 de los materiales y el trabajo artesanal. Las piezas cerámicas son parte del stock de la empresa de cerámicas industriales Grupo Díaz Redondo y la metalistería de CRRSA, ambas a muy pocos kilómetros de Madrid.