Soulages Museum . Rodez

RCR . Soulages Museum . Rodez (1)

RCR Arquitectes . Passelac & Roques Architectes . photos: © Kevin Dolmaire . © Patrice Thebault . © Studio Fegari . © Pep Sau . © Cedric Meravilles

A museum for Soulages, the French painter of “light” who has inspired us so often was –and still is- a cherished dream. In the town of his birth. Soulages can be seen for what he is: his approach, his attitude and his involvement. Forail, boulevard and backbone for a topography that overlooks the surrounding countryside and the distant mountains, is to be his place.

Museum and landscape thus have a mutual feedback, merging into one, like the painter and his work, displaying a wealth of relationships where nothing can be removed, because everything that belongs to this new created world is inherent. Work, museum and landscape: Soulages and Rodez.