Barozzi / Veiga

Library of Contemporary International Documentation . Nanterre

Barozzi  Veiga . Library of Contemporary International Documentation . Nanterre (1)

Barozzi / Veiga

The new BDIC building is located in a border area between the university campus and the residential zone. It seeks to revitalize the importance of its location and its public character as a meeting place.
The building takes on the site corner position and, thanks to its geometry, emphasizes its perception from the adjacent train station.
The public spaces and green areas, generally located inside the building, in its outer perimeter. This strategy permits either the maximum occupation of the block and the maximum compactness of the building.
Behind these decisions there is the will to generate an exchange between the users, the building and the street, therefore eventually between the building and the city itself.

Library of Contemporary International Documentation
Nanterre, France
International Competition, 2nd Prize